- US negotiators told Ukraine US could shutoff Starlink if minerals deal not reached
- SpaceX-owned satellite internet service vital for Ukraine
- Zelenskiy says U.S. and Ukraine working on an agreement
Jesus fucking christ. If you do this, and exploit Ukraine while they are literally under the gun, the US will be dead to the rest of the western world.
I cannot express how hard you can go fuck yourselves.
The literal rest of my life will be spent trying to fuck over America and Americans. Fuck you, you selfish, coward, pieces of shit.
I think a global boycott on US-made goods + services is necessary. Trump can only do this because the US is such a powerhouse.
The US is only such a powerhouse, because they generally have the support of their allies. That makes it the unparalleled biggest economic block in the world.
But without their allies, USA isn’t that much stronger than China economically. And USA wouldn’t be nearly the powerhouse they’ve gotten used to be.So China just has to look on and do nothing, while USA is losing their world dominance quickly.
And don’t forget the dollar being used as reserve around the world, or as international currency, which makes the dollar a strong currency. But this has been changing.
Yea, buyFromEU is already getting traction. More intense on reddit and a little bit on https://feddit.org/c/buyFromEU
Would be nice to see global sanctions against the US. Not realistic, but I hope all countries are moving towards significantly reducing American reliance. It’ll be a slow process, but needs to be done.
Honestly sanctions agains companies like these that can be weaponized politically sounds very reasonable.
They are national security threat in the true meaning of the word.
I’ve been looking at getting solar installed, and been talking to a few different companies for quotes. One place only supplies PowerWall batteries, and I said to the sales rep that I wasn’t really interested in buying anything from Tesla and his face made it pretty clear that that was the answer he’d been getting a lot recently
That is already happening in Canada. Those imperialists threatening annexation was finally what brought us Canadians together on something lol
Has there been any progress on dropping tarrifs between provinces?
Ottawa announced yesterday that they’ll be dropping more than half of federal internal trade barriers.
I think I heard something about easing trade barriers between Ontario and I think it was either Saskatchewan or Manitoba.
I moved all my cloud computing from DO and Vultr to European owned options. It’s a small thing, but it’s about the only thing that I had been purchasing from the USA.
Just relax and let trump continue destroying the USA. He’s doing putin’s work and fucking us all, Europeans and Americans alike.
As an American, I’d like the boycott to be more targeted. But yes, every company that licks the boots of this obviously fascist regime should see no more sales. I don’t have a full list, but it includes at least Meta, Alphabet (Google), and Amazon.
We don’t really make anything though, aside from software I guess.
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The literal rest of my life will be spent trying to fuck over America and Americans.
As an American, I’d just like to say we absolutely deserve this.
Sure, but does the rest of the world?
No we don’t. Trump deserves to be kicked to the curb, but Americans are absolutely fine, if a bit short sighted.
A country is not its leadership, it’s the people. And it’s incredibly hard for the people to replace their leadership outside of election season, and even then, there’s a lot of pressure to make poor choices on your ballot.
it’s incredibly hard for the people to replace their leadership outside of election season
What have you tried? Have you written any letters? Protested? Marched? Gone on strike?
There’s a whole lot of defeatism in your comment and I’m getting major “we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas” vibes.
I’m in a red state with GOP reps. I really don’t think any of those will go anywhere.
And not sure what going on strike would accomplish. My company isn’t based in the US, my boss isn’t American (and likes Trump), and 2/3 of my team are outside of the US anyway. I like my company and my boss, and going on strike would just get me fired for no reason. Why would I do that? My company didn’t donate to him or anything, so how would pissing my boss off accomplish anything?
The only effective measures I have would put my family at risk, and those have a remote chance of working. Why would I do that? It’s illogical, especially when the chances of Trump actually becoming a dictator are slim to none.
I’m not going to screw up my life just for some internet cred. I’ll do what I did in the last three elections: vote against him and urge those around me to do the same. Not that it matters, because the Republican will always win my state and district, but it’s something.
The most effective use of my time is to largely ignore him. Anything else is illogical IMO.
sadly this thread has devolved into american hatred, so saying things that make sense will get you downvoted.
american = tyrant in this particular thread. =(
It’s pretty common in .world, especially since the election. But I’ll keep trying to remind people that most of us are normal people who just want to live in peace.
letters aren’t going to do anything, neither will striking.
The current System does not legally give many ways to impeach an elected official.
It is impossible to legally remove a president from power outside of election season without the legislative branch.
Furthermore, there is no federal level system in place to allow for a recall of anyone in the legislative branch, some states have successfully implemented state level recall laws to revoke their elected officials but this is not a universal thing). Disciplinary functions in the legislative branch is predominantly decided by the branches themselves, which works fine if you have a functional branch, but if you have a branch that really doesn’t care then no punishments get done
The most the everyday citizen can really do is:
- if you are in a state that has an elected official that is being toxic/against what your state actually wants, try to encourage a state recall petition (if you are in one of the 36(12 of which need specific actions to occur to trigger it) states that allow for it AND something has occurred that was ground for your states requirements for it)
- try to add such a system to your state if one does not exist (which would likely have to be on the ballot as well so would take awhile)
- or further educate yourself on what is going to be available on the 2026 midterms and vote accordingly.
I don’t think there is much else anyone can immediately do that might actually get anything done.
All Amerikans deserve this and worse because they sit at home and complain online while a literal textbook definition of a coup is happening to their country. The country that literally screeches at the top of its lungs about the second amendment and right to have a gun “in case of a tyrannical government”. Not a single shot fired. No protests, just complaints. Y’all gave up your country without a fight.
We’re definitely protesting. It may not make international news, but every day there are angry crowds outside government buildings or in the streets of our cities. The last I went to was this past Monday in NY and there were at least a few thousand of us. Personally I think we need more serious measures but protesting is a start.
I’ve gone out of my way to look for coverage of any sort of protesting. I saw a single day of scattered small-medium protests called 50501 or something a couple weeks ago. That’s it. Angry crowds in front of government buildings doesn’t sound like serious protests given the sheer amount of what’s been going on in that country.
I hear you, and I agree there’s a lot more that needs to be done. I can say with some confidence that the average American doesn’t want any of this in the slightest, even if the average American isn’t as politically engaged as they need to be to truly understand the global implications.
The truth is that the average American is mostly thinking about immediate problems in their own life, like how to pay both their rent and their phone bill and still afford gas to get to the grocery store where many staples are increasingly expensive.
Even something as important as voting or protesting can feel like a privilege for the well-off when it’s the choice between that and working a shift to pay bills, and of course voting has been made deliberately difficult in most states. Voter registration isn’t automatic, for example. Likewise Election Day isn’t a National Holiday, so many people have to take off work if they don’t plan ahead to register, apply to vote absentee and meet deadlines for ballot mail-in.
Basically I’m just trying to encourage you to remember your neighbors are normal people who actually do value being good neighbors. They are oppressed and deceived, however, and a small portion of them are straight up brainwashed by a cult.
I hope, trust, and believe that when the chips fall, people in this country will answer the call to fight the global oppressors for themselves and others, because deep down they know that we’re all in this together. First they must lift their heads and see, a difficult process which I think has finally begun.
Look I know you mean well and you have a lot of faith and love for your people and that reflects really well on you.
What I gather from your message is that people don’t like this but also don’t have a sense of urgency but you are strong in your faith that at the last minute there will be a sudden moment where everyone will leap into action to stop the worst. Things don’t work that way.
There is an active coup of your country right now at this moment. It’s maybe not clear to you as a citizen because you’re inside the boiling pot but to those outside, these things don’t happen without being a coup. Yall even have a constitutional amendment for this exact moment.
I understand the terror of watching this unfold from the outside, if only because many people I love on the inside are facing these new horrors directly. Some wouldn’t even call it new, just a more explicit and sweeping abandonment of our crumbling democratic sociopolitical facade.
Things don’t work that way.
But they do. When it comes to collective action, especially when so many are effectively kept in the dark, revolutions progress slowly then all at once. For example the French Revolution didn’t attain critical mass with the general populace until the treasury was literally empty and the government couldn’t pay its bills. Even then it took many bloody years to stabilize into its modern liberal democratic form.
By comparison, the intent of this new regime, while obvious to anyone paying attention, has only been truly manifest for a few breathless weeks. Though it takes time for the light to break through all the disinformation bubbles and dawn on the general populace, it is finally happening.
I too want it to happen more quickly, and feel every bit of urgency you do, but the truth is it takes people like you and me working together to mobilize others, because this is just one expression of a global crisis, with global roots, that can only be solved with global collective action. Blaming the oppressed and deceived people of democracies that fall is understandable, since everyone thinks “that couldn’t happen here” while it certainly can and has been for years. It’s self-defeating, however, because we can only win this fight together.
we’re not ignorant of what’s going on. we live here. you’re blaming people who literally are just trying to make it.
we are trying. but all this call to arms for those that can’t fight is redirecting attention away from those who are responsible for this.
the ones actually responsible.
quit trying to light a fire under people who are already burning.
I was planning a holiday in the US this or next year, but decided not to proceed with it. I’d rather go anywhere else now really. Currently for me Russia = India = China = North Korea = USA now. Plenty of european countries I’d rather throw my money at.
Come visit us in Canada! It’s beautiful here. Better come fast before Trump decides to invade us for our oil and minerals though. I expect it’ll be much less beautiful after that, and we won’t have as much time to spend with you while waging a guerilla resistance.
The fuck did we… Oh right, Modi.
I feel this. I would love to see Russia, China and India…but there’s not a chance that I would knowingly give my money to those regimes. Not even through participating in their economy for half a week.
That’s a bit of an extreme take. Surely you can see some differences between them…
That’s true, the spellings are very different.
But otherwise they’re all countries ruled by petty men trying to project their power and rob their neighbours of their resources, liberty, and lives.
oh my apologies! I’ll personally see to stopping it myself.
Come on doc, you’ve gotta help us, we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!
what? you want more? i can turn the socialized healthcare lever on as well. there it is! right there.
its so simple!
any other changes you think you want? i can grab a magic wand, if that will make you feel better.
Oh yes of course, the whole world has of course been watching the mass protests and general strike being organized with baited breath, oh wait.
what do you think I can do personally? on some level that would satisfy you?
what would you do in my situation? just one person.
tell us, mighty canadian of war! one who knows all answers! who rights all wrongs with his witless rage!
oh won’t the angry canadian man save us with his wisdom??
Vote. In every election. In the primaries. The city you live in. The school council. And convince everyone you know to vote, too. Protest. Strike. Make people you know angry about what’s happening so they are motivated to stir shit up. You still can change things, but you are right: you can’t do it alone. So find as many people you can who can do it with you. Time is running out.
you’re saying things I already know. but I appreciate your dedication! and agree with your sentiment.
American here: hard agree. This is all insane, but it’s predictable, and they told us about it ahead of time, and people still fucking voted for it. We shat the bed, now we must lie in it.
I’m probably gonna try to leave the country and renounce my citizenship at some point, particularly if the next few months are as catastrophic as I think they’ll be.
I understand your feelings, and I share them. Let’s stay strong and united, refusing to let fear or hatred divide us. Remember, we have allies in America who stand against extremism and are working tirelessly to promote justice and equality. There is a growing movement of brave activists, judges, and everyday Americans who are standing up against these challenges. It’s crucial that we support them and let them know they are not alone. Together we are stronger.
You can find an overview of the current resistance in yesterday’s post on Substack: https://robertreich.substack.com/p/ten-reasons-for-optimism
As someone who didn’t vote for the Cheeto Nazi, thank you for the nuance.
That said, comment OP and anyone reading this - please boycott and sanction the US! Starving the billionaire leeches and smacking government into pretending they have an iota of decorum or sense is necessary, and any outside influence on that is helpful.
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I’m with you. Fuck this shit.
Exactly. I’m already thinking about pulling my pension pot out of any US investments. It’s a tiny amount but maybe we can start a movement to keep pension investments in countries and systems you believe in, not whatever mix are typically used
Given there is going to be serious economic disruption there is a lot be said for diversifying your assets. If most of your assets are currently in the US moving your pension fund into assets held outside it is a strong de-risking move, particularly if you can move it out of the country totally using a foreign
proverprovider as well as holding non-US assets(not sure if that last is legally possible, don’t know much about your pension system).Note you may get poorer performance - it’s really up in the air just yet what the short term impacts will be economically (depends what King Mango ends up deciding, it’s mostly speculation right now)
Edit for typo
Canadian. I’ve divested 100% of my meagre savings out of us stocks. USA is not a reliable trading partner, or a leader in anything anymore except deceit.
That does literally nothing though. Buying a share of a company is like buying a used product, none of that money goes to the company. The only benefit to a company is the share price rising, and your contribution to that is effectively zero, and it only matters if the company issues or buys back shares, which is somewhat rare.
It’s the same reason that buying “green” shares does nothing.
Invest based on what’s most likely to give you a good return, even if you don’t agree with their products. And then buy products based on your convictions. If you want to feel like you’re “sticking it to the man,” use the profits to buy from their competitors.
Well, I certainly apologize. I know that’s pretty worthless.
The worst thing about all of this is you have guns, you just can’t aim for shit.
Don’t apologize, organize.
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Sounds like someone who is sensibly voting with their dollar. I’m not from USA or Canada, and I am doing the same.
They have been imperialist warmongers destroying and looting countries their whole miserable existence.
Now the vasals and bootlickers who profited and joined in get betrayed they feel butthurt and get a conscience.
Not only Canada but also Europe.
Hypocrites.deleted by creator
Yes the US obviously.
And everyone knows this? I don’t think so.
Our/my EU governments were also part of the vasals and bootlickers I mentioned.
Perfectly fine with everything they did in the world. And still did not too long ago.
Not a peep when Nuland said ‘fuck the EU’ while meddling in ukraine or later when they blew up Nordstream and ruined our economy.
Go stick your tongue back into Putin.
Anyone with a conscience and denounces that disgusting, violent cancer of a country is a Putin lover right?
I gueass these low slander tactics are all you have since everything Is ay are facts.
the fuck does Galicia have to do with this?
Not Spain obviously, ukranian SS division Galicia.
I see you’re not familiar with Canadian history and its consequences.I see you are not familiar with anything, considering your complete non sequitur nonsense spouting.
bye bot
ah i’m familiar with galicia the precursor to poland. i’mma have to do some readind
Sigh, that cliché non-argument again.
Won’t even bother explaing that to you since it’s over your head.
And I can simply do this:https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/1030005003
Gie it up, you’re no match
We are on topic of the Nazis collaboration in Europe, here you go dear
LOL do you think your cheap whataboutism teaches me something new?
Plenty countries had a few nazi collaborators. even Russia.
Some a lot like ukraine, and the baltics.
Some straight up joined the nazis like Finland Romania, Bulgaria.But to keep going on the changed topic of Russian nazis (since you nicely spun it that way) it should be no surprise the Russian nazis are all fighting for the Banderites.
And the irony that the west supported and whitewashed the racist and fascist POS Navalny.
Hated in Russia, known for the later forbidden Russian marches and running a video ad of him shooting a muslim ‘cockroach’.I wonder why the super duper free and neutral press never mentioned anything about this?
Here the brave hero is a ‘freedom activist with rugged good looks’, ‘warrior for democratic values’.
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From world police to mafia protection racket.
we did impeach him for extorting ukraine last time.
Let’s do it again! Let’s make sure nobody can break his record for impeachments.
I’m just going to tell you something very important today. You know, we’ve all heard about impeachment, right? People talk about it all the time, but let me tell you—nobody knows impeachment like I do, okay?
I’ve been impeached not once, not twice, but three times. That’s right. Three times, folks. And you know what? Nobody else has been impeached more times than me. Believe me.
It’s an incredible record, a huge record. People are talking about it everywhere. They say, “Donald, you’re amazing, you’re a winner!” And you know what? They’re right. Who else has had such a remarkable impact? I’ve made history. Some people, some really great people, say it’s the most impressive thing anyone’s ever done in politics. I didn’t just get impeached once, or even twice—no, I did it three times, folks. Unbelievable.
And, you know, there were a lot of people who tried to bring me down, but they couldn’t do it. They tried, but I stood strong. Stronger than anyone thought. They couldn’t break me. No one could break me. It’s a testament to how tough I am. The greatest toughness, folks.
Let me tell you, other politicians, they wish they had that kind of resilience. They wish they could say, “I was impeached three times and survived!” But they can’t. Only one man, only one—Donald J. Trump—has done it. And it’s amazing. It’s absolutely amazing.
So when you hear people talk about impeachment, just remember—no one, and I mean no one, has done it like me. And I did it better than anyone ever could. Big league. Thank you, thank you very much.
Unrealistic he stayed on one topic the whole time it’s way too coherent
Nevermind that the terminals were not free and were paid for mostly by European allies. Duo of fuckers will leverage them anyway.
Please, everyone else quickly develop options other than the US. We’re going to need a minute to sort this mess out. :(((((((
Time for the UK government to make good on all that money we spent rescuing OneWeb…
the weird cube man has been dicking around the Ukrainians over his satellite service since before he got involved in the election he just won. if you look into the history of spacex, a meeting with russia looms large in its early history. i personally think he’s been a kremlin asset since 2004, at least.
He may have been a russian asset since 2004 (I don’t know either way) but it certainly was nothing to do with that SpaceX meeting. He went there to try and buy Russian rocket engines, they told him to pound sand. He was forced to do it the hard way and hire a team and they designed what are now the Falcon 9 engines.
I don’t understand why people keep making stuff up (not just this post, it’s one of many), he’s evil enough on the actual facts
I see it as an extension of the myth of American purity and external corruption. “This person is evil, some outside power must have compromising info on them.” “Immigrants are violent criminals preying on innocent americans.”
These attitudes ignore the reality that bad people can come from anywhere. There are plenty of villians with very mundane origin stories. What matters is if everyone else has the will and ability to keep bad people in check and hold them accountable.
The grifters in charge need no other motivation than a sense of superiority and an opportunity to make a buck.
What matters is if everyone else has the will and ability to keep bad people in check and hold them accountable.
Well said.
The grifters in charge need no other motivation than a sense of superiority and an opportunity to make a buck.
That’s why corruption is an issue in every political system that we’ve tried, that contains more than a few thousand people.
Always seems like the people who want to be in power, shouldn’t be…and those that should want nothing to do with it…
That is an utterly crazy assertion. The Russians refused to sell him a rocket, if he was a Kremlin asset why would they refuse to sell him a rocket?
The money is bad enough already, you don’t need to make stuff up.
How pathetic.
Makes me wonder if this was Musk’s plan all along - make Starlink indispensible and then leverage it against Ukraine when the time came.
Modern capitalism in a nutshell. Establish a monopoly through any means, then exploit the hell out of that monopoly to become richer and more powerful.
I’ve had the great fortune to visit and live among other peoples in their countries (primarily the Baltics, Russia proper and Belorus) many years ago (first when Eesti still used the ruble, and then later again when she used those beautiful Eesti Kroon), when the people of those countries had much to tell me about their lives and cultures. I then had to return to the states, where knowing these things was frowned upon heavily, because they weren’t US-centric stories.
I’ve lived outside US borders just perhaps long enough to be able to disdain US exceptionalism, and understand that its head hasn’t been cowed enough yet for its population to understand humility relative to the much older and wiser world.
It’s very sad that I have to live to see it, especially with Canada and Mexico as our neighbors, but it seemed inevitable decades ago, so I’ll watch grimly as the country I was born in is made to fucking reckon… if it ever even learns to understand that fact.
For what it’s worth, plenty of us who have lived here our entire lives reject US exceptionalism, protestant work ethic, etc.
The space Nazis are here.
“It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.” - Henry Kissinger
Was that a warning or a threat from Kissinger?
Maybe it was from his Nobel peace prize acceptance speech.
You can do directed WiFi with pretty long range. But you have to set up both transmitter and receiver antenna, and you’ll want to tune the direction of both antenna since radio waves don’t travel in a straight line along the surface of the Earth. Bit of a faff really.
Long-range Wi-Fi - Wikipedia - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-range_Wi-Fi
The point is that they can’t set up a receiver. Modern warfare uses a lot of land.