Today’s game is Minecraft PS3 edition. I dragged my poor PS3 from the comfort of its spot on my dresser to take it to a friend’s house today just so we could do some old fashioned split screen. I would have gotten screenshots of the split screen but the way my PS3 does screenshots, it would be a bit of a dick move to make my friend wait all just so I can take a screenshot every 10 minutes.
We ended up making a decent bit of progress. Above is my house I built in the world. I built on a cliff face after the shame of not doing that last time. I have plans to expand downward too, but right now I’m staying with just that.
My friend built this cozy little house on the opposite side of the mountain range. It started out as a temporary home, and he wanted to move to the Mushroom Island, but that turned out to be a really tiny sliver of land. So he’s living there permanently now. He’s got this cool stone-cliff face design going on which is really cool.
In between both of our houses is a Village completely in the water. Honestly I forgot how the old villagers and villages used to look after so long of the new designs. Honestly it was kind of a fun challenge not having beds and a fuckton of food I could raid from them. I did rob their farms though. There wasn’t much there.
On my way back I found this really cool pond area too. I think next time we play split screen I’ll build something here. I think putting the communal nether portal here would be cool. Kind of like how the tutorial world had it.
Is the game updated at all nowadays on PS3?
No. It’s stuck quite a bit back. But at least it is not as bug ridden as bedrock edition.
Manual updates via jailbroken console are probably not an option either, right?
There is nothing to update to. It is a completely different game in the way it’s built from java and bedrock. And after the last update it stopp3d being supported so even if you could update via console as I said you have nowhere to go. Kinda like if you tried updating civ 5 with civ 6 stuff. They are differnet games even though they play the same in concept.
Got it. Thanks :)
I just recently got back into minecraft. Man it’s addicting. Like I’ll just chop down one more tree before bed annnddd now it’s two hours later.
It’s very easy to lose track of time with it. While we were playing splitscreen it felt like it had only been a few hours, but turned out to have been 6
A bit of a throwback. Reminds me of playing split screen Minecraft on the 360 with friends all night long.
360 was originally how i played growing up until my Launch Model 360 Red Ringed. Me and my Sister would stay up for hours building the stupidest shit. Before we knew it, time had gone by and it was 3 in the morning
Time really does fly. Enjoy the old Minecraft. There’s a certain charm of the older versions. It’s simplistic, not overwhelming with the amount of new blocks and monsters and knowledge needed.
I have followed your daily gaming posts since you began. Appreciate the content!