When is Elon releasing the Neuralink chip with Full Self Driving Autopilot?
For doing chores, going to work, school, listening to your SO complain about something. The applications are limitless!
I spend all day oiling up supermodel’s bodies and I would love a way to escape from that.
Sounds just like the Rick and Morty episode “Night Family”.
Went great for them!
No lie … if they could make a chip that like … Shuts off cognition while I’m at the gym so I don’t have to experience it … I’d consider it.
I really hate working out.
Little advice for those getting this procedure. Do not forget to put your Neuralink in shower mode when you take a shower. You have been warned.
Oh you thought that was for damage prevention? No it’s actually to make sure it gets wet. I heard the Cybertruck’s trunk department QC’d it.
What a pic.
Why is his face so punch-able?
Because he looks like a smug bastard
Because you have violent tendencies that cloud your clarity of thought
I’ve been doubting all the claims about the guy that had the chip installed too
On one hand, yea I don’t want brain damage. On the other hand, if it means I can move robotic limbs after being paralyzed, maybe it’s still worth it?
Like the idea of having neural interfaces that don’t penetrate the brain is obviously great, but if that tech doesn’t come for another 50 years, what are the current people going to do instead?
I’m not on the waiting list for Neuralink, but if I’m gonna be honest, the hate for it is over amplified.
if it means I can move robotic limbs after being paralyzed, maybe it’s still worth it?
I don’t mind the progress in science and technology.
I don’t mind sacrificing some animals for that goal.
The really terrible thought is that Elon is allowed to decide these things.
Is it terrible that Elon can decide these things? Because no one else is as close to succeeding, and Elon’s not forcing me to do it
Yes. He is famous for childish & narcissistic & choleric behaviour and nobody should trust him with any serious stuff.
Ok but you haven’t addressed the point that no one else is as close to doing it…
No need to ‘address’ thin air.
Experts are doing things. Elon isn’t doing things (except boasting his ego and manipulate people’s feelings etc)
I don’t think the concept is bad. I take a medicine that may give me cognition problems when I’m very old, but it’s remarkably effective for me right now and provides a significant quality of life improvement. So, I’ve chosen to stay on it.
That’s different I think though from Neuralink as it is today. There need to be stringent safety measures in place and controls on testing. We’ve come a long way on neurology, but we still have a lot we don’t understand.