“My first message would be, if you’re not comfortable, don’t let your kids be on Roblox. That sounds a little counter-intuitive, but I would always trust parents to make their own decisions,” the company’s director noted.
“My first message would be, if you’re not comfortable, don’t let your kids be on Roblox. That sounds a little counter-intuitive, but I would always trust parents to make their own decisions,” the company’s director noted.
I dunno… That seems a like disingenuous to make a game specifically for kids and then take no responsibility for what children are exposed to on said game. I’m all for parents taking responsibility and believe that’s a problem with many families today, but that just seems a shitty thing for him to say, IMHO.
He’s washing himself of the responsibility for how harmful the game is.
I disagree I think this is the only answer. It’s the answer law makers should take as well. If parents did their job just because something is made specifically for kids doesn’t mean they are getting on it. There were a ton of things I wasn’t allowed to do as a kid.
This is a a business operating to target children to deliver them content they know is inappropriate for them.
This behaviour is predatory. It shouldn’t be tolerated against children. The content is promoted for children, so it’s reasonable for a parent to assume the content is appropriate for them.
Although I’ve heard of the game, I’m unfamiliar with it.
Can you elaborate on what exactly is inappropriate ?
Also, is it something some parents evaluated and are OK with their children being exposed to?
Example: my parents were ok with me watching R rated movies with them when I was like ten…
Roblox isn’t so much “a game” but a collection of thousands of player created games (or “experiences” as the company calls them). You can find a bit of everything, from obstacle courses to first person shooters to casinos.
Since Roblox is so heavily targeted at children, it’s very easy to find pedophiles or other people with ill intent. Moderation doesn’t exist, afaik
Literally this shit applies to everything targeted to kids. It’s why advertising to them should be not allowed. That’s never going to happen though.
In the end it’s the parents responsibility to raise kids with a mediocre amount of media literacy to know what is and isn’t predatory.
Yes, and lawmakers should also do away with all safety regulations! Workers can simply quit jobs that they feel are unsafe!
Since you’re an idiot I’ll break this one down for you. Parents job = protect children. Governments job is to work for the citizens a majority of which are workers.
I agree with you except for the fact that there’s just so much bullshit for kids out there, and parents are so exhausted right now (both are working and working longer). So it’d be nice if there was a system that actually looked out for children and people instead of businesses.
At the end of the day, though, it is still the parents’ responsibility. It just sucks that this person can wipe their hands of things and think that sufficient.
Here’s the rub. Who’s version? Would your universal system protect just against gambling type things? How about sex stuff? Just porn or more? How much more? Should the system block anything related to questions or statements about homosexuality?
How about things that might be against a particular faith?
There’s no one set of rules that all parents can agree on as to what their children should or shouldn’t have access to. Until then, how can one system do what you’re asking?
My parents were fine with me watching most R rated movies at ten…
A LARGE group of religious nut jobs wanted the Harry Potter movies banned… And a non-insignificant group that wanted the Teletubbies banned…