Nothing says “We’re confident in the software we’re selling” like willing to work for exposure in hopes that somebody shills $20 for a subscription.
Exposure = They get to keep the data they get.
Data = money
They’ve found a way to make it work I’m sure.
100% correct.
At the moment there are tons of Ai companies all trying to be The One that everybody will use.
But Google has Gemini and it has Android. Android has 70% market share worldwide and is offering Gemini for free to every user. That’s MASSIVE exposure.
For openai to get on Android the user has to install it as an app. It’s VERY difficult to get your average user to know what openai is and why they should use it, never mind getting them to install the app.
So to be the default Ai on iPhone is a HUGE deal for openAi and gives them massive exposure over the competition.
Google pays Apple billions to Apple to be the default search engine so openAi not having to pay anything is actually very surprising to me.
I think the only reason Apple isn’t making them pay is because Apple plans to offer other Ai services in future.
That’s a really good point.
OpenAI is also pushing pretty hard to get partnerships with Samsung. If they had Apple and Samsung, they’d have half of the phones in the world.
I wonder how this will end up working. I want to use chat gpt without an account and while logged into a VPN and to have unlimited requests… would be nice if this was the solution to this.
It will be interesting to see the upgrade numbers in a year. Do most people not care about AI, or will the user base be wary? Current numbers show around 77% uptake on iOS 17.
My hot take is that the new iMessage features will push adoption rates really high. People in my household want the beta for that reason alone, and I’m having to bat them away because this is a buggy DB1.
A version is Siri that isn’t shit is also a big reason. But that is not coming until 18.1 or 2. So my money is on text effects and stupid emoji reactions being the initial upgrade driver.