“Permanent lunar colonies could soon become an attainable target for space agencies”
It’s where they keep all the cheese.
this is closer, though https://modernfarmer.com/2022/05/cheese-caves-missouri/ :D
In fact, we might be able live there.
“Lunar cave systems have been proposed as great places to site future crewed bases, as the thick cave ceiling of rock is ideal to protect people and infrastructure from the wildly varying day-night lunar surface temperature variations and to block high energy radiation which bathes the lunar surface,” said Katherine Joy, professor in earth sciences at the University of Manchester. “However, we currently know very little about the underground structures below these pit entrances.”
This is so exciting because it sounds doable. Unlike Mars, which is a tragedy awaiting the overconfident.
a tragedy awaiting the overconfidenta fun destination for billionaire excursions!We’ll let them work out the kinks first, you just gotta know how to sell it.
A tragedy awaiting the prisoner slaves we send there.
Australia 2.0!
i wonder if the craters ground has 5-15 meters of regolith too?
Just throw it out
No shit there are caves on the moon. Have these scientists never watched The Clangers?
Hear me out…
The Descent but it’s on the moon.
Or the game Descent. Although that already took place in space.
Okay I haven’t seen that movie, so I was confused cause I could have sworn you visited many moons in the first Descent game.
So many movies to redo.
The Cave…On the Moon
Cave of Forgotten Dreams…On the Moon
The Clan of the Moon Cave Bear
Or Dig, which was on an asteroid that became Earth’s second moon.
The Notebook, but it’s on the moon.
40 year old virgin, but it’s on the moon.
I know I wouldn’t send a manned mission to the moon and NOT try to build a moon base.
Shackleton identified, establishing Jamestown now.
one must commend Hergé’s research.
to show moon caves in Explorers on the Moon sixteen years before the moon landing in an era without the internet is some freaky stuff.
We have come so far first roaming the land living in caves then agriculture and science.
Then we went to the moon where we roamed the land and lived in caves…
Finally some good news. The discovery of the Prothean ruins will bring the entire world together.
Got to get to Mars for those
“Get your ass to Mars.”
Reject humanity, become Moon mole