If it were a sane world I’d be worried about my Intel stock but investors seem to get hard-ons at news of layoffs so it’ll probably go up.
It’s cute that you think shareholders actually drive stock prices.
Make your point without being demeaning
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So, what does drive stock prices?
I mean, unironically basically yeah. Though said market in his case is made up entirely of investors/shareholders lol
Its free only in the name. Like us. We’re „free” to work or die.
All those fab workers didn’t make a mistake, the executives did.
I’d hate to be named Jobs, working at Intel. 🔪
Especially if you’re the only one
Guys, i’m sorry to say that 15 years of avoiding innovation because we were the market share leader has to end. We thought AMD was a joke after so many issues in the 00’s so we got complacent.
So we have to can all of you marketers who are shitposting on our advertising “review” site and hire some R&D people. Maybe we can scalp some from AMD.
Sincerely, Intel Executives
Government handouts need to come with some extremely strict rules attached. Alas, our government has been purchased by capitalists, so it will continue to be free money but only for the people who need it least.
The wrong way to take responsibility.
The good part is that the amd64 ISA is going to become less relevant if they go on like this. Maybe we’ll have those RISC-V PCs after all.
Management fucks up. Management loses money. Management cuts costs.
I think Intel needs to go through the humbling experience that AMD went through.
Hopefully AMD doesn’t pull an Intel and get complacent and spend over a decade doing basically nothing (at best) or or delivering subpar parts (at worst)
Honestly, I think AMD doesn’t even have the choice to be anywhere near as complacent as Intel.
ARM is on the rise, and that means multiple competitors incoming, both in the PC and console space.
Nvidia wanted to buy ARM, and despite that falling apart, Nvidia will be coming out with ARM CPUs (I imagine they’re, smartly, letting Qualcomm and MS sort out the teething issues with Windows on ARM before they swoop in and look polished and stable right out of the starting gate).
AMD also doesn’t have to pay a shitload to maintain, expand, and improve fabs - that’s all on TSMC. So the whole aspect of choosing between investing tens of billions or letting fabs stagnate isn’t a thing for AMD.
Yeah they could stay on the same process for 5 years, but I highly doubt they’d do that given the ARM competition, doubly so because they don’t want somebody else to take away their “we’re TSMC’s second favourites behind Apple” position.
In other words, I don’t think AMD has the financial incentive to stagnate like intel did. From a business perspective, it was an absolute no-brainer for Intel to stagnate; AMD’s comeback was an unlikely one. To date they’re the only company that’s recovered in the x86 space after falling back into complete irrelevance.
with all the controversies and court ruling against intel, do you really think… by this point, they are even capable of being shamed into being humbled?
CEO have himself a 45% raise last year. When do we eat the rich?
Is this why my leaps all died?