It’s being used to make fossil fuel plants “net zero”
It’s being used to make fossil fuel plants “net zero”
If you’re on ketamine you can’t be hold accountable for your actions taps head
För Sverige i tiden din nedrans niding
Swedish is fine
Great reply. I’m not into escalation. Only read the “taxes is theft”
Taxes aren’t because they come from societal structure i.e agreement that we’re better off pooling resources
Technicians can work wonders as long as the seals to the spinny bits are intact. It would be cool to see even if it’s just bitcoin
Duck amazon
Sure. I don’t know if I agree with the increase in speed, the fuel consumption goes up with like 1 L/10km
In Sweden they may drive 90 on highway-equvialent roads
Make your point without being demeaning
Noo the gubernment can’t have teeth! Won’t anyone think of the billionaires!?
Shut up heretic
Firefox had tab groups in their beta 10 years ago, idk why they removed it. Was great!
FUD is actually a very effective strategy. It’s not made for you but the average village person
Yes exactly. I realize I was a bit vague with the “”-signs. It’s shit