First RCS now this, today has been wild
Why yes Microsoft, I am totally a European in Europe right now…
VPN to Sweden, update Windows to the EEA version, profit?
I’m not holding my breath, but we can hope.
ABOUT FUCKING TIME. Take edge and shove it so far up your data tracking sphincter of a face hole.
Can we please get these laws on a global level.
Well they’ll probably reinstall it with every update anyway.
As an American, all I can say is thank you Europe for continuing to have sensible legislation that forces these companies to have decent policies worldwide if only to comply with EU laws. I only use Windows on my company provided laptop but just because I don’t need to worry about it personally doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t care about how it affects others.
As a Linux user, this is freaking funny.
Does Linux let you disable its system-embedded advertisements? Didn’t think so!
I live in the UK, and because of Brexit we won’t get this. Thanks Nigel Farage.
Thank you Europe. Once again you prove yourself to be what we all aspire to be.
This is cool and all, but why do we always stop at Microsoft? I think it would be more impactful in 2023 if we can uninstall Safari from iOS devices and Chrome from Android?
So apparently having consumer-friendly laws does in fact lead to better products. Cool.
Perhaps the USA and other countries should follow the EU’s good example on this.
But socialism! They’re all gonna be starving and homeless! Any day now…
Hell has truly frozen over. I guarantee that uninstalling edge will break something else in Windows
Once steam covers 90% of games windows becomes irrelevant.
For gamers-only maybe lmao
E: and people willing to spend several hours a month wondering why their OS broke again