Damn those homosexuals, they ruined warmongering!
Alright Nixon’s head, let’s get you to bed.
They’re turning the bombs gay.
The bombs change your pronouns to “was/collateral damage” 🥰
I heard they’re developing a bomb that makes people gay.
I would say that would solve a lot of problems, but there are a lot of closeted self-hating conservatives.
Bombs have been gay since the 90s: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_bomb
Apparently, Google is the queen of woke.
It’s annoying that these big, evil corporations that woke people hate are considered “woke” by conservatives.
It’s annoying
I find it hilarious that Google is getting hate from both sides. It’s not like they don’t deserve it, DEI aside.
It’s simply amazing to consider YouTube an enemy when YouTube is basically the soul reason right wing propaganda has spread to the level that it has today. YouTube is the breeding ground for the alt right. Their complaint is literally the opposite of reality, and as I type that I realize I’ve typed that a lot before haven’t I? Same old shit I guess.
rent free
Truck drivin’, bible-thumpin’, gun totin’ knuckledragger in Texas:
“I ain’t gonna buy Lockeed Martin products, I’m gonna boycott them! Make 'murica grate agin!”
Proceeds to angrily keep on NOT buying surface-to-air missiles.as a truck driving, gun toting redneck in texas I’d absolutely buy a SAM if I could, and paint it up in rainbows