People meters away have faces
Yeah, I was so blind I didn’t know what my parents faces looked like. I got glasses around 12ish. My mother still enjoys the story that when I first got them put on I exclaimed “wow mom, you’re so pretty!”
I was shocked to learn how far away people can read and recognize my face. Much was explained that day.
“Wait. I can see where they’re looking at from this far away. That means… Oh man.”
Like your first fart or boner after cochlear implants.
B-boner? Tf kinda noise is your boner making?
What, you can’t hear it? I hate to say it, but you might want to get your ears checked. Everyone else can hear it, people around you have probably just been courteous enough not to mention it.
It sounds like this.
I remember being absolutely blown away that you could see planes in the sky
Or that teachers writing on the board were actually writing/drawing stuff and not pantomiming in from of the board