If you have a date in Constantinople, I doubt they are still waiting unless you hurry very hard
If you have a date in Constantinople, I doubt they are still waiting unless you hurry very hard
And people wonder about Brexit
Some people will do anything to avoid freedom units
Tomato: Am I a joke to you?
Pidgins are languages in their own rights. Maybe code switching would fit better but actually no, that’s on the spectrum of bilingualism.
Edit: since pidgins (unlike creoles) aren’t used as primary languages, I guess I now get what you mean
Citation needed
As a good Lutheran, I read the bible and Jesus speaks German all the time
It is based on a true story
“There are four lights!”
Guess it swapped over to Germany later which makes sense now that I think about it. For me it was a show when I was already out of that age group
I grew up in the 90’s and we only had the live action movies. The cartoons came later
The lower half is obviously nonsense. The future belongs to the 50 people tandem
Maybe both is true, I don’t know
When people walk on the water because they can’t even swim…
Which is ok, the political class is immoral and stands above the law
Only if you’re not sure who’s the mother, otherwise it’s illegal
“You wouldn’t lend a baby.”
Hate to be the one who breaks it to you but this is, well, beyond hurrying