another key I can map to something useful in linux!
Either it will be become an important key (“Windows/Super”) or it won’t (Context menu). Microsoft is being eye-rollingly cringey with the specific keyboard requirement, but I assume there are probably about a million more concerning things about “AI PCs” than the keyboard button.
Also, mech keyboards for the win. Nobody is forcing keyboard nerds to do shit with their keycaps. 😂
Context menu is indispensable for me. So many commands can be done mouseless because of this.
Cool, another super key to map.
Here’s a tip that may come in handy. Microsoft makes an app called PowerToys that lets you remap keys without having to dink around in the registry:
I’ve used it to put CTRL on that useless capslock key like god intended.
Some keyboards also come with software that lets you disable or remap keys. I turned Caps Lock into something more useful to me, for instance.
Yeah for sure. I have my mechanical keyboard super customized with several layers.
Like the Bixby-button I have on my phone, it will fail
Just like my Google Assistant key on the side of my phone that literally does nothing after disabling Google Assistant.
Replacing the Windows key. Calling it right now. You’ll be forced into using AI in future Windows versions by turning your, “Windows key + typing app you want to open,” to a hyper-active Cortana you help, “train” with your data.
As long as I can still find a halfway decent laptop to run Linux, I’m good.
I’m not surprised. Vendors do this for branded products all of the time.