Elon Musk warns Tesla workers they’ll be sleeping on the production line to build its new mass-market EV::Elon Musk said that building Tesla’s next-generation EV, which is set to enter production in 2025, will require Tesla workers to sleep on the manufacturing line.
Maybe it’s time for a grown up CEO.
They should unionize
It’s weird cause he’s stated he did that in early Tesla days and hated it, wouldn’t do it again, but expects others to?
Shut up, Elon. Nobody cares.
Every company want slaves, Elon is just saying out loud the quiet part.
Unionize now.
I don’t know, is this supposed to be a joke? A wild sense of humor? If you would have to hypothetically have to sleep on the production line, it tells me the management doesn’t know management.
I would like to see a CEO pull this “joke” in the EU. How long until he would be crucified.
“No, of course it’s a joke about them sleeping on the floor. We will provide Tesla-branded housing onsite, and with the added convenience of the Tesla store and the workers being paid in Teslabux to pay me back for the room and board, they’ll always be ready to do my bidding.”
I know you are joking, but this asshole’s parents were legit in the business of running company towns for mining and exploiting human labor. Just shy of slavery because it was technically legal, but a loophole that allowed them to get rich by taking advantage of people desperate for work. Real pieces of shit in this family.
Oh yeah, the apartheid emerald mining is never out of my mind when I think of this asshat.