Honestly, does Canada have any incentive to respect DMCA requests at this point?
Honestly, does Canada have any incentive to respect DMCA requests at this point?
Sure - time they spend there is time not spent on something more incriminating!
Print at a public library?
Quietly swapping your earlier edition with the current edition was not, however.
Carbon footprint - AI burns a lot more power than old fashioned search results.
I get wanting to cost them more, but I don’t think they’ll see this use case as a cost.
Yep, airships aren’t overpressurized like a balloon - any leak will be extremely slow, as the heavier ambient air gradually displaces the helium inside the airship through whatever hole might be created. As I understand it, one of the big maintenance issues they have is even finding the holes from normal wear and tear. The usual failure scenarios involve storms with huge pressure changes.
Coldside was just emplifying your joke