Copyright is a good idea. It was just stretched beyond all reasonable expectations. Copyright should work like Patents. 15 years. You get one, and only one, 15 year extension. At either the 15 or 30 year mark, the work enters the public domain.
Copyright is a good idea. It was just stretched beyond all reasonable expectations. Copyright should work like Patents. 15 years. You get one, and only one, 15 year extension. At either the 15 or 30 year mark, the work enters the public domain.
Shit, save your $$$ and get some GPUs since the market would crash.
I say this as an education major, and former teacher. That being said, please keep fighting your PTA on this.
We didn’t get actually useful information in high school, partially because our parents didn’t think there was anything wrong with the curriculum.
I’m absolutely certain that there are multiple subjects that you may have skipped out on, if you’d had any idea that civics, shop, home economics, and maybe accounting were going to be the closest classes to “real world skills that all non collegate educated people still need to know.”
I have reposted to c/BoycottUS and c/politics. If there are any issues in those communities, I have enough logs to repost elsewhere. Nuke at your leisure, thanks for your understanding.
Totally understandable, I’m gonna try to copy the post to some of your suggested communities. Thanks for the feedback so that I can fix my mistake.
Ironic that he referenced Carnegie. Carnegie and Rockefeller were so terrified of the public that Rockefeller refused to leave his mansion for years at a time, and Carnegie fled to England, where he publicly supported Unions, but privately told Frick to squash the strikers. That blew up in his face, and he had to capitulate to all the demands the workers had.
Sounds like you may not be making enough sacrifices to The Omnisiah
Would that apply to James Bond? I’ve always wondered how everyone in those movies didn’t instantly know who he was. Kinda like Archer. Archer is definitely a glowie.
Wish I could. Only reason I know about it, is that it was mentioned briefly in the Navy Nuclear Power Program training materials.
No, but some guy proved that we could use that to our advantage. If you don’t use the magnetic constrictors to compensate for the heat from the fusion expanding the vessel, you can have it enter fusion and leave fusion several times a second. Wrap the thing in copper wire coils, and you have now got your vessel in a state of flux, and producing enough power to blackout your local grid, and get lots of fines from the feds in less than 5 seconds of runtime. He obviously didn’t continue working on that particular method of generating power with a Tokomak
What is Maastricht? A town? A region? Some fucking country that I don’t know about‽‽
Edit: apparently it’s a city on the border of Belgium and The Netherlands…
I swear Poland joined NATO just so they could trigger article 5
You’re/they’re just paraphrasing Chaucer
Not in the outside, but the rear releases are hidden in the door well under a vanity mat
I suppose one could make some short term money by making an EV → Hybrid conversion kit…
Flashbang the donkey maybe? They get bitey when startled.
“We spared all the expenses!”
No clue. I was a Navy nuke. Not my department
The prop for the W.O.P.R. sold a few years ago. IIRC, someone paid $25,000 for what my father said was a refrigerator box, with Christmas lights inside, painted black, and with plastic caps. He did all the computer graphics on Wargames. Apparently I threw up on Matthew Broderick the time my dad brought me to the set. I would have been 1 or 2 at the time.
Absolutely, copyright or patent, not both. Though if, and only if, they function identically in duration, I wouldn’t see the downside of having both other than additional expenses actually filing for both