My main issue with the first game was that I felt like it didn’t respect my time. There were some missions where the game would send you miles away to get something or find a person, only for you to arrive there and have an NPC go “Nah it’s not here” and send you miles in the other direction and do the same thing, and sometimes arbitrarily dump like 6 bandits on you along the way that you had no hope of defeating, so you’d die and go all the way back to square one again. I had to bail on eventually because of that.
Imagine if the future of your country and the lives of millions of people who live there all hinged on you having to fly half way around the world and be filmed trying to be polite to two gibbering morons, and not even in your first language.
Mad respect to Zelenskyy for keeping it together as well as he did TBH.