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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Nearly beat it, not a great game 5/10.

    The environments are nice and fun to explore.

    Story is mediocre. Dialog is tiresome, I started button spamming to get through a lot of the conversations that didn’t matter. Combat is nothing remarkable, no matter the weapon combos, and the enemies are just damage sponges with no real tactics necessary to defeat a given enemy. Magic is kind of cool but you have to really spec into mage to get there. The immersion is about as deep as a puddle on flat concrete.

    It is one of the games of all time, a game you could not play and miss out on nothing.

    Edit: Just beat it, terrible ending that feels like it was tacked on last minute to provide some sort of conclusion.

  • *If funded by the USA.

    The US took out a third of Iran’s navy during Operation Praying Mantis and we tried not to while giving them ample opportunity to not get fucking wrecked with minimal effort.

    We won’t fund healthcare, but our unhealthcare is second to nobody because we spend 9x more than the 2nd place loser, Russia. We account for 40% of total world military spending. If you think we can’t kill you, it is only because we don’t want to prove how wrong you are. If you want to die, we can put a warhead on your forehead without a rounding error of our defense budget.