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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2023

  • Yeah I’m not saying any of that. I’m saying these people would be better served learning to not care what others say than trying to make the world speak in a way that doesn’t upset them.

    If you don’t think you can learn to manage your emotions instead of letting your emotions manage you, then you are just a perpetual victim. And the universe doesn’t particularly care.

    You know what the vocal minority is? Mean people aren’t going away, and there will always be one asshole to make you feel bad. Much more effective to not care what the asshole says.

    The real question is, why be offended when no offense was intended? What even is the point of talking, of communication, if not to convey one mind to another? And if intent can be surmised and subsequently dismissed, isn’t that a rejection of the premise of communicating in the first place?

  • Emotions aren’t inherently positive or negative. It’s what you do with the emotions that has actual moral substance.

    Here, let’s look at it this way.

    I say something, and it made you sad. However, you know full well my intent was not to make you sad. Despite this, you use your sadness to guilt me about the thing. So now I feel sad that you are purposefully misinterpreting my meaning.

    I am offended that you are offended. Explain to my why my feeling is invalid and yours is valid.

    Anyone can feel bad about anything.

    “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

    I’m not saying go around purposely making people sad. I’m saying don’t make your sadness my issue.

  • Why? Even when AMD had better performance for cheaper long ago, everyone bought Nvidia instead. If consumers don’t care, why should AMD or Intel? Mindshare is hard to beat.

    The average consumer is not informed and they equate graphics to Nvidia. On a recent WAN show Linus was pontificating on whether tech reviewers even matter, considering the audience penetration numbers, and even inflating for the one tech person in the family spreading the message, compared to the overall units of cards moved, it was like a drop in the bucket, not even close.