You mean not learn new things like purposefully missing my point? Yeah, big loss. Where are you getting this 90% stat from? Your feelings?
You mean not learn new things like purposefully missing my point? Yeah, big loss. Where are you getting this 90% stat from? Your feelings?
Did everyone forget the Equifax breach?
Yeah, clearly you’ve never seen a Karen.
Emotions aren’t inherently positive or negative. It’s what you do with the emotions that has actual moral substance.
Here, let’s look at it this way.
I say something, and it made you sad. However, you know full well my intent was not to make you sad. Despite this, you use your sadness to guilt me about the thing. So now I feel sad that you are purposefully misinterpreting my meaning.
I am offended that you are offended. Explain to my why my feeling is invalid and yours is valid.
Anyone can feel bad about anything.
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
I’m not saying go around purposely making people sad. I’m saying don’t make your sadness my issue.
Yeah, I feel the same way. Like my friends thought I was extra confident and brave, but no I’m terrified just like everyone is. I just find the unknown and the uncertain way more terrifying and uncomfortable, so I’m always asking why why why till I figure out what’s going on.
Absolutely! But, then again I’m neurodivergent so me not understanding the inefficiency in societal trends and communication is just… Life for me.
I think my entire lens through which I view reality is governed by efficiency. Which makes me blunt, to the point, no filter. But even those who know me well still took a long time to learn that I just say what I think, and there’s no additional unspoken thoughts behind it, and had to work hard to stop projecting onto me. But that’s why I love them deeply.
You know what I never understood? When someone says “I’m offended by that,” society generally accepts that as valid. But if I say “I’m offended that you’re offended.” That’s somehow invalid.
As if I cannot have an emotional reaction to being misunderstood or misinterpreted. People just assume bad faith and contrarian behavior instead of trying to figure out where the other person is coming from.
Your feelings are yours to manage. You say why hurt someone when you can avoid it. I say why get hurt in the first place? Everyone has feelings about everything. No feeling is any more valid than any other feeling.
This is the kind of stupidity that has us reinventing language constantly. Words mean what they mean. To hell with how they make you feel. BLACKLIST WHITELIST 😲 The horror!
I mean their search results have gone to absolute shit anyway, the AI is probably better at this point.
Dude, the last version of the Prius I saw was a couple years ago on MKBHD, and it looked amazing and had a solar roof.
I feel like that discounts Intel’s anti competitive practices that were brought to light and litigated. For all we know, that played the biggest role. Granted Ryzen was a massive improvement over Bulldozer, and sure Intel basically stagnated during that time.
Uh… Used to be, and should be. But the entire industry has embraced treating production as test now. We sell alpha release games as mainstream releases. Microsoft fired QC long ago. They push out world breaking updates every other month.
And people have forked over their money with smiles.
Why? Even when AMD had better performance for cheaper long ago, everyone bought Nvidia instead. If consumers don’t care, why should AMD or Intel? Mindshare is hard to beat.
The average consumer is not informed and they equate graphics to Nvidia. On a recent WAN show Linus was pontificating on whether tech reviewers even matter, considering the audience penetration numbers, and even inflating for the one tech person in the family spreading the message, compared to the overall units of cards moved, it was like a drop in the bucket, not even close.
Can anyone explain Bluesky vs Mastodon as Twitter alternatives, asking as someone who never really used Twitter much anyway?
Most people don’t care about being CO2 neutral. The real question is what is the ROI? Will the panel save that person money. If it takes 50 years to pay for itself, I’d say that’s bad. 10 years is more standard. 5 years I say it’s a no brainer. Though I suppose you can also argue value for utility, if that is giving her the ability to power something off grid that would be worth something.
Jesus. Enough hyperbolic nonsense. Browsing Wikipedia is way healthier than doom scrolling.
Even by money standards he does stupid stupid things. How much money did he piss away on running Twitter into the ground and telling advertisers to go to hell. If he got the help he obviously needs he could have had it all. And his latest stupidity with the Nazi salute seems to be going down really well in Europe. Tesla sales evaporating in Europe. Just read that Cyber truck has completely flopped (shocking!)
Yeah I’m not saying any of that. I’m saying these people would be better served learning to not care what others say than trying to make the world speak in a way that doesn’t upset them.
If you don’t think you can learn to manage your emotions instead of letting your emotions manage you, then you are just a perpetual victim. And the universe doesn’t particularly care.
You know what the vocal minority is? Mean people aren’t going away, and there will always be one asshole to make you feel bad. Much more effective to not care what the asshole says.
The real question is, why be offended when no offense was intended? What even is the point of talking, of communication, if not to convey one mind to another? And if intent can be surmised and subsequently dismissed, isn’t that a rejection of the premise of communicating in the first place?