Very interesting.
You you for your efforts.
Do you mind if I create a post in BestOfLemmy to share your findings and bring this to the attention of others? I feel this needs to be discussed.
Or do you have a more fitting place?
Very interesting.
You you for your efforts.
Do you mind if I create a post in BestOfLemmy to share your findings and bring this to the attention of others? I feel this needs to be discussed.
Or do you have a more fitting place?
Let us know what you find, if anything please.
I’m definitely interested in this service, but I’ve seen some suspicion surrounding it.
Great idea. I just wonder how Flohmarkt is read by non-Germans. Anyone want to state their opinion, their initial experience seeing the word, on that?
I tried to switch, because it is really nice. But coming from sync, how having to swipe back to the main feed from a post made me look elsewhere. You have to start your swipe at the far left of the screen, vs just swiping anywhere.
Can you elaborate what you mean by cold takes and why that’s something you wish more of?
I too want to know more about this. Also, what happens to all the Chromium based browsers once Google doesn’t maintain it? Edit: I use Firefox and will continue to do so.
What Service do you use? I’d like to do the same, because it’s not always clear by the charge on my statement who I’m paying. I would imaging having named CCs, like email aliases, would help me keep an eye on things.
I’ve definitely been interested in one. What foldable device do you have? And which three devices did it replace?
What makes it your favorite?
I think so and hope others do too. ^^ I hope I didn’t butcher this. If you think something should change or some added context is needed, let me know or correct the record there if youd like of course. Here it is: https://lemmy.world/post/25584230