I wish my mortgage was that low.
I wish my mortgage was that low.
Great time to start working on a replacement… if you have several million hanging around.
I like to say it has become fashionable not to hide it. Lol.
Overall, I think this needs to be done by a neutral 3rd party. I just have no idea how such a 3rd party could stay neutral. Some with social media content moderation.
Well it is starting over in the gaming industry. Hopefully it can snowball.
And youtube. Kids sucks so much because they don’t really want anyone to use it… Sadly though, they don’t have to plan to do these things. They just don’t invest in making them kid safe.
Maybe these billionaires should be required to actually raise their own children for a few years. Anyone who has knows that you can’t make a person care about something just by telling them it is important. They have to want to care about it on thier own. With how he treats his employees, they have no real reason to care about what’s important to him.
I worked at intel for a while. It deserves to be destroyed. But I live in an area with a lot of well off intel employees. It could tank my house value among other major impacts to the community. Like I am sure he would kill the matching donation stuff which would be a significant reduction of the amount of money non profits get in this area. So I hope the destruction is slow enough for other chip companies in the area to absord some of the workers.
I would think there is a priority order in his mind. Decentralized fact checking, centralized fact checking, no fact checking. His actions fit well with that. Also, I believe zuck wasn’t using only one asset to do the checking. He was using multiple fact checking sources. So it was kinda decentralized. I would expect this guy would rather see the user choose the fact checking source for content they see.
How will AI learn without human posted questions and answers. Docs for most software are abysmal. In a few years, people dependent on AI to code will be in real trouble with anything new.
I looked deeper are read up. Everything I can find says the age verification function is not anonymous. There is an anonymous login function, but that doesn’t seem to include age verification.
Yeah, something like that. But while your device can validate the cryptographic sig for the app, the site requesting proof of age can’t, since it isn’t running on the same device as the app.
The best I can guess, the app could request verification from the state run site, and specify what information it wants (based on what the requestor site asked for). The state site could use a private key to encrypt the response and give it back. The app could use a piblic key the state makes available to decode and confirm that only the intended information is present. Then the app can pass that to the requestor, who can get the public key from the state site and decrypt the information.
But, the gap there is how does the requestor know the app it is talking to hasn’t been modified. I don’t think there is a way that it can. Only the device the app is on can verify that. And the requestor can’t trust the device either.
Some Authentication that I remember has a component where the requestor would then talk to the state to confirm the info it got from the app was requested from the state by the same app the site is talking to. This prevents using someone elses response as your own. But in this case, that would tie the site to the request which means the state would have both peices of info, who and what site. So I don’t know what there solution here could be that wouldn’t result in the same problem.
My bad, I had the german government mixed up with probably the brits who are constantly saying they need to be able to read everyone’s messages. That said. It’s hard to know what the intelligence arm of a government is really doing. So if they give themselves a backdoor, it’s hard to ensure only they come in. And the government is always only one election away from dramatic policy changes.
Now you are starting to sound like you know what your talking about. But I’m not convinced yet. So when the app sends just the requested data to the site, how does the site verify that the data is legit. A person could fork the app and hack it. I am sure they thought of this, I just don’t know what thier solution is. And I can’t read german.
You can trust them to create the ID because it benefits them. But to guard you anonymity… that actually hurts them. So you can be sure they won’t.
Sounds like it is only anonymous if you fully trust the app. That app has all your information, and the site you are trying to access. And I bet it is completely closed source. It also likely has logs about what sires it is giving information to. Not who’s info in that log. But elsewhere it probably has logs on who’s id it verified. Get access to both, and software can start to crunch the numbers and figure out who went where. That if course is assuming they don’t decide in the future that it is worth just keeping that data together in one spot. There is just no entity that could manage that app which wouldn’t have a motive to use the data and power it has.
In this arena, more regulation is needed. Anonymous age verification is a good idea, but I question the actual anonymity. It usually depends on trust of some entity. And I just can’t fathom an entity that can really be trusted.
I do know the feel. I was young once (seems a long long time ago). Reinventing the wheel was fun and challenging. I loved creating libraries. I didn’t actually know at the time that there were already existing libraries I could just use, this was the 90s. But it is hard to keep track of what library code exists in a project if you didn’t write it. Maybe assign them to review the library code and document it or something. Then they will know what it is at least.
Lol, the lead can’t spec the style, he just reviews the code and asks for changes. Sometimes it’s just that we already have a method that does a similar thing, so we should use it. Of course an AI wouldn’t know about that unless you gave it access to your code. And given how speed first AI companies are, I would never trust that data with them. But other times it’s just the leads personal preference.
Others were saying $2k… I am thankfully under $2500. Though I forgot insurance is wrapped in my monthly payment. So maybe I am under even $2k. I know rent around here is between $1k and $2k a month for a two bedroom apt though.