immediately move on to even more anti consumer ways
but they’ll keep collecting that data even after the slap on the wrist which will be more like a gentle tap
immediately move on to even more anti consumer ways
but they’ll keep collecting that data even after the slap on the wrist which will be more like a gentle tap
I’m saying musk has never believed in the free market in his life and has never argued in good faith.
isn’t this the definition of hypocrisy?
I think that what you’re saying is that actions of hypocrites cannot be considered hypocritical since it’s their nature to be hypocrites. It’s all a bit circular, isn’t it?
I think that in the case of Mr. Musk, the issue is that he has been seen as an innovator not just as a capitalist for much of his time in the spotlight. For 2018 Musk, this declaration would have been hypocritical. For 2024 Musk, whatever, why are we still listening to this clown?
54% of Wikipedia pages contain at least one link in their “References” section that points to a page that no longer exists.
It would be interesting to know how many of these references don’t exist anymore and how many have just moved. Web has come a very long way since 2013 and I bet that websites hosting the references have undergone several iterations altering the URLs in some way.
Everything you post has potential to remain forever even if it’s not monetized directly. Cautioning people about it makes sense now and has always made sense.
Selling you shit has always been the point for echo/alexa. The device is sold at cost and the assistant is “free” because they’re trying to make money from the other side of the business.
It hasn’t worked at all, by the way. This more aggressive version is a last ditch effort to make it profitable. The only ones who managed to make smart speakers profitable are Apple, but that’s because they charge much more for the device
it’s funny how the conventional wisdom at the end of the last decade was that slack was preferred over other simpler/free alternatives because of its UX. People were hailing it for how simple and intuitive it was to use, etc.
5, 6 years later, it has become a bloated piece of crap riddled with bugs. And the UI changes which come unannounced… it should be a criminal offense to change UI through automated updates.
Anyway, here we are, companies have handed their data to this monster and we’ll see how they react when the data gets misused. Hopefully that would be the beginning of the end for it
No, it is just incompetence. There’s a serious disconnect between the people making the return to office call and the people dealing with it. The thinking is that, over years, the talent lost will be replaced and the backlash will subside and whatever reason they have for the RTO is more important than these.
The trouble with the software industry upper management is that they have never had to deal with an industry in trouble. They’ve been working in a rapidly growing industry for their whole career. Bad decisions matter very little in such environments so they think they don’t make any.
Why are we still surprised by stories like these? Post pandemic tech layoffs are not performance based. The tech industry has decided that less employees is better than more employees and they’re laying off entire departments.
There’s definitely a niche for it, more so than for other fruitless hypes like blockchain or IoT. We really need to be able to offload tasks which need autonomous decisions of simple to average complexity to machines. We can’t continuously scale up the population to handle those. But LLMs aren’t the answer to that, unfortunately. They’re just party tricks if the current limitations cannot be overcome.
There we go. Now that people have calmed their proverbial tits about these thinking machines, we can start talking maturely about the strengths and limitation of the LLM implementations and find their niche in our tools arsenal.
As tourists, sure. But getting a work visa/residence permit is not as easy as you think.
And second of all, what do you expect? An entire country to up an leave? That’s stupid beyond measure. Won’t that entire country elect the same government wherever else they end up in?
This is a dumb question. Almost 50 million people live in Sudan where there’s an ongoing famine. 70 million people live in UK where mass surveillance is roughly state supported. Asking why 300 million people don’t just move is … stupid
The headline is click-bait. I honestly don’t know why people still read this crap.
I feel we need to discuss this first, because I completely disagree with you:
Then you are ignoring all free speech laws and the fact that this is not a common culture or occurrence in Sqeden .
Free speech has nothing to do with this situation. Nothing guarantees you there will be no consequences if you use your place of business for personal agenda. That’s not what free speech is about.
staging a reasonable peaceful and coordinated protest
I’m sorry, but you’re misclassifying the situation. Abusively occupying an office is not peaceful or reasonable. It is an attention forcing action and it can have consequences. They weren’t arrested for their views on the genocidal Israel state, they were arrested for being in a place they’re not legally allowed to be in. And they weren’t fired for their views on Israel, they were fired for criticising a company customer from the position of an employee
so do you have any case whatsoever that shows that this shit would fly at a Swedish company? One where it was legally challenged at least? If no, then what exactly is your point?
The fact that I don’t have an example doesn’t mean that it can’t happen. It just means that it hasn’t yet or that I don’t know of it. Just because you can’t show me an example of an atom bomb attack in Sweden or of me getting punched in the face in 2024 does not mean that these things can’t happen, does it? This whole thread started with people saying that this can’t happen in Europe. It absolutely can. And having worked in various corporations across Europe (though not Sweden specifically), I can tell you that they all have clauses in the work contract saying that you can be fired for conduct while representing the company, especially for conduct in relation to customers. So if Google employees would block the headquarters in Stockholm to convince the company to stop trading with Israel because it’s a genocidal state, I guarantee you they’d not be safe from disciplinary measures including termination.
The thing that gets me is that it doesn’t even hurt performance metrics. The performance of this type of employee is not measured in hours worked. That extra week made zero difference to the company but had an immense impact on her.
Ghaderi claims Krishnakumar later pressured her into delaying the start of her maternity leave from the planned date of November 7. Agreeing to the request, she worked until November 15, 2022, “the day she was forced to undergo an emergency C-section,” according to the filing.
What the actual fuck!?
Can you show me an instance where a Swedish employee did what you claim? I showed you that it is within the legal framework. That should be enough.
Yes, thank you! I think this should be written in capitals somewhere so that people could understand it quicker. The answers are not wrong or right on purpose. LLMs don’t have any way of distinguishing between the two.