Putin will happily meet them where they are with his own large collection of people imprisoned strictly for being gay - it’s a win-win as far as he’s concerned.
Heck, he’ll probably do us one better by throwing in trans people, too.
Putin will happily meet them where they are with his own large collection of people imprisoned strictly for being gay - it’s a win-win as far as he’s concerned.
Heck, he’ll probably do us one better by throwing in trans people, too.
Nah, you should go to Gaza as there’s TONNES off freshly cleared land there for the taking - get the prime property before Bibi does!
Not to be left behind, the west invests in an even faster next-gen train codenamed “snowpiercer.”
Your own link says only the judge saw them, nobody else, and they won’t be seen by anybody else until the case is over & nothing can be done to them. Never mind the info provided sounds like it’s not terribly useful.
Actually, the judge opened the sealed cover, perused the contents thoroughly, then asked WMF counsel “How can these addresses be verified?” to which the reply was “These are all we have, and the website does not conduct verification of its users”. The ANI counsel assisted his opponent by saying that service on the editors (D2-D4) is complete, they have not appeared, so can we please move on to my defamation takedowns. The judge then resealed the covers. So it can be safely inferred that WMF did not give ANI anything, and ANI never wanted the D2-D4 details at all, it was only a procedural formality so ANI can take on the “Wikimedia method/model” directly which is troubling all their SPAs/IPs. On a procedural note, once the case is complete and judgment given, the sealed covers are opened and anyone can inspect its contents. So nothing to fret over. Storm in a teacup.
Methinks you have too much faith in those wielding the power to demand this. Examples abound of assholes - anyone from forum mods to police officers - abusing their power against those they look down upon. Yeah, it often comes back on them eventually, but not always, and in the meantime the lives of those they target can be made a living hell if they so choose.
“Questionable activity” is an easily abused term for power-tripping assholes. Especially with right-wing politics becoming so prevalent world-wide, it’s easy (for example) to imagine a scenario where a group of LGBTQ+ types are targeted for harassment - being forced to choose between losing their safe haven or outing themselves & putting themselves at risk of far worse.
“Evidence” being so vague and malleable a term that it’s insanely easy to abuse.
Thing is Discord will have no problems getting them to do it. By the time any legal proceedings against it work their way through the legal system, the damage will long since have been done. Discord will have made the money from the data they collected, the AI models will be done, and the need for more pictures will be non-existent.
So… they banned social media for a whole 15 seconds?
Expulsion of an enema all over the camera would be tempting if it weren’t such a mess to clean up. Maybe in a rental…
Nowhere near an expert in this, but I know I’ve seen in the past that you could set your phone to turn on at a specific time (which means the RTC at a minimum is still running) - could a determined adversary not find a way to take advantage of that?
Your carrier HAS ratted on you. Under the incoming US administration, I’ve little doubt they will again.
Further confusing me was the fact the very next post in my feed was this one.
There’s some kinda odd irony here when complaining about how unrealistic superhero movies/shows are… 🤔
Could be that they’re only “mostly dead” - Miracle Max to the rescue!!
That can only lead to dangerous places. Like The Three Stooges…
EDIT: sigh Guess I’m the only one who caught the Short Circuit reference… r/fuckimold