It’s always the ones you most expect
It’s always the ones you most expect
Are we about to delve into the legal status of squat cobbler
Might run into trouble with UIs as well, but the heart wants what the heart wants.
Personally, I think the Deck is too big for my tastes, but the beauty of the ecosystem is that anyone can make one while still having almost all the Deck features.
I’d love to have a Vita or even PSP sized Steam handheld with a great screen for smaller titles, but that comes with its own problems
You’re into some weird shit but I respect it
On one hand, I wouldn’t trust the US with anything. On the other hand, there’s a pretty good chance whatever they keep that data on catches on fire or has a plane fall on it.
Yeah not one soul uses the internet over there, but they’re doing it anyway just to shit on Verizon
Effectively kill anime 😀
Piracy ☹️
It’s not, but I wish it was.
It’s coming, Pelosi sold her shares like a month ago.
Yeah but only cause she was really disappointed with the 5000 series lineup. Can you blame her for wanting real rasterization improvements?
How can it be a precedent of something else entirely?
I don’t think the slippery slope argument works here, you can object to any rules and regulations by saying other countries would start pushing bad rules and regulations if you comply. It’s not all or nothing.
What are the nature of the apps? If it’s just things like digital IDs and government services, that’s not bad since it helps tech illiterate people accessing them. Big room for fash fuckery though.
And as always, preinstalled apps should be deletable.
Just ask “what is making money” to get the answer. It’s still live service and gacha shit, but I’m sure they’ll try to add machine learning to it somehow cause you gotta have that
The switch was weaker than the PS4, which was the same age difference at launch
Steam Deck’s APU maxes out at 15W while a launch PS4 does 10 times that. Not a good comparison.
Emulating Switch 2 games on the Steam Deck would be a challenge. Even though it’s on an outdated process node, I think it’s fair to say it’s in the same class of hardware as a Steam Deck (which is 3 years old at this point).
Deck 2, though…
That one is even more goatse looking than the N-Gage
So it’s a narc, but if you’re racist