does anyone know if there’s any actual data that shows personal disability information being recorded/collected?
That’s basically the crux of the case right? The law is pretty clear, Google can’t collect that data (or at least, if they do, then they’d have to comply with a long list of privacy regulations that I’m pretty sure they don’t comply with).
First of all, you’re implying it runs latest Windows - but Windows 11 shipped a few years ago.
Second - not really a fair comparison. 18 years ago the iPhone didn’t even exist. And the oldest model (17 years old) had really weak hardware. 4GB of storage, 128MB of RAM, and the CPU was an order of magnitude slower than current spec CPUs (it was also 32 bit - and 64 bit ARM is a completely new architecture - similar to the failed Itanium).
Even if it was supported, it would be a horrible experience.