The game is not without its flaws, but goddamn if it doesn’t look, sound and feel fantastic.
The game is not without its flaws, but goddamn if it doesn’t look, sound and feel fantastic.
Times square? Damn, I thought they were strapped for cash and barely profitable.
Good for them I suppose, but just remember that corps are not your friends. Even GOG is part of a stockmarket-listed entity that has fiduciary duties and can turn to crap in an instant. Keep your games offline and archived folks.
Interesting, indeed. Maybe it’s a form of nostalgia? We still have plenty of people missing the comunists in my country, usually folk that had it better during the regime. But I never heard “we felt like we lost the war”.
It looks dramatic, but afaik the old GDR states have much lower pop and density. Unless germany starts some funny business with electors and whatnot, i daresay this is not that bad of a result.
Exploit it you say? Please get in line behind the russians, the chinese snd pretty much all arab countries
Wow, leave it to redditors to make change without actually making change. A few of those subs had open discussions on instituting a ban and they discovered x links were in the dozens per year. Musk is definitely gonna feel that. What they should have done is ban all twitter images as well, those fuckers make up 3/4 of posts on /r/popular. Or ban/restrict musk news, because it feels like the remainng 1/4 posts are “news” that cover musk, including dozens of discussions on whether the nazi cheated in fucking videogames or not ( same as here come to think of it ). But no, they’re addicted to those and unable to make meaningful changes, so they’re left with these halfcocked “bans”.
That’s what I’m thinking. Get the fanbase used to seeing 100+, and then suddenly an 80$ game will feel like a bargain lol
I’m loving the balls on studios. Yesterday we had “experts” suggesting it might cost 100 bux, and today it’s already the beggining of a trend. And the game isn’t even out. In fact, we only have the trailer for the game and they’re already predicting prices.
My prediction is yes, they’ll ask 100$ and more, and yes, people will pay it.
But the nerve, I swear. “Yeah, our games have gotten sloppier every year. And yes, we fired tens of thousands solely for profit reasons. But line must go up, so you better start paying”
Hear hear. I subscribed to a couple news accounts and for last minute news its just perfect. But man, start browsing the popular section and you’re in for a fuckton of activism.
So what’s the news here? Win 10 support ends in october. Doesn’t that automatically mean that they will also not support office apps running on Win 10 starting october?
These are the ones I’ve played over the years. Hope I’m not missing anything:
Elite Dangerous - Highly reccomend this, it’s basically a huge sandbox, with full size galaxy, “real” star distances and orbits, excellent flight model. It also has the most awesome community around it. Downsides are that while it has lore and ongoing background story, there’s no quest, no interesting characters, no rpg elements. Also there’s quite a learning curve, and quite a grind (albeit maneageable these days). There’s also a new colonization feature in the works that will involve a lot of comunity effort. If you do decide to play it, join a group, a squad, or just buzz me so I can add you here and there. Friends make the game sooo much better.
Everspace 2 - This may be what you’re looking for, as it has story, good gameplay, arcadey flight model and lots of rpg elements. Overall a great game. Only problem with it is that it’s not particularly large. Its universe is far smaller than starfield’s.
NMS - Another one with an immense galaxy. This one has a storyline, but not a lot of rpg elements. A lot of it is procedural and after a while feels very samey and shallow. It does have crossplay and a great community as well.
X4 - Not especially large, but great single player game, with a universe that feels lived in. Also no rpg and I hear the endgame gets a bit managery.
Spacebourne - Haven’t played it long but iy gas good potential. There’s a bunch of systems, there’s quests, reminds me a bit of freelancer. The downside is that there’s a single dev, so development is slow and there’s a fair amount of jank.
ME - I feel it is still king of story driven spage-rpg even after all these years. Maybe give Andromeda a try? The story is meh, but it has great gameplay, and far fewer bugs.
True, they’re a bit off the mark, but they were the ones off the top of my head. Also, in my defense, I don’t think Pottinger knows what he’s talking about either. The man glorifies Age3 like crazy, saying they had to scale back some features, fearing they’d prove too revolutionary. I love Age3, but the game was hardly world-shaking. Take its contemporary Rise of Legends, now that was a title that went balls out.
Still, I’m curious what they’re cooking up in that new studio.
There’s plenty of “evolved” RTSs in the indie scene:
The genre is far from dead, but the problem might be audience. When they demand “evolution” that means it should pander to recent trends like survival crafting and roguelikes and whatnot. Problem is some of these formulas don’t usually pan out well for RTS games. Then there’s multiplayer and, like other commenters mentioned, ranked multiplayer usually devolves into a bunch of strangers playing the same few maps over and over, but gamers still demand multiplayer.
Alas, I see the genre as not dead but in a “doomed if you do, doomed if you don’t” spot. Meanwhile I’m sitting here waiting for a regular old historic RTS like Empire Earth or Rise of Nations.
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It’s the same for Mass Effect. Every time I get ideas and want to fetch the games on Steam, I’m reminded why I didn’t until now
MTX and ads? Then it’s clearly only 3+ and should be allowed lol
Farm Sim trailers are very enjoyable, both the newer rock music ones
and the cute music ones
As for all time favorites, the Warcraft 3 trailer still lives in my head. Even remember the words.
Lobbying. The greedy fucks will lobby until they get their way
Jesus christ. People need to realize that this is a scam. No video game is worth thousands of your dollars, especially a decade old game still in alpha.
I would be tempted to say that it will now turn to shit, but in Discord’s case it was pretty shit already.