They said in-app browser I imagine they’re on mobile
They said in-app browser I imagine they’re on mobile
Ah yeah, I should have specified I was looking at the laptop side of things more as the person I originally replied to mentioned that power usage is more important there (which is understandable). There appears to be only a handful of laptop chips that I can recognize in that first link and all of them amd but I don’t know the naming scheme of modern intel laptop parts anymore.
I would have to ask for a source on that. I can’t really find anything comparing many cpus.
However this video compares top end models on otherwise pretty much identical laptops and amd definitely wins in YouTube playback on battery https://youtu.be/X_I8kPlHJ3M
But if you’ve got anything to better compare I’m all ears
I don’t think Intel is more efficient if their desktops and this one link is anything to go by
But I’m not up to date on laptop stuff at all so might be wrong
The 14900k is an absolute oven
I’ve actually seen more parties start in the afternoon or just after dinner here. I’m not even a morning person per se but I also don’t want to be home at 8am. I applaud it.
Perhaps I’m being pedantic, but even in your quoted definition we don’t know that it’s spyware. Because 1) we don’t know if it takes full control 2) it’s there with our knowledge. I still can’t agree to your conclusion in your first comment that it is. It might be, but I’d phrase that differently.
blablabla more blabbering around the point below: just pure speculation of what it could possibly be worst case scenario.
Spyware by definition is “Any malicious software"
Cool, but since you have no idea whether or not its malicious calling it spyware is false.
So you called it spyware but now you say you dont know what it is doing. So which one is it?
Same in NL most (all?) banks here have an app that lets you transfer money near instantly, create payment requests, execute payments for online orders by scanning a code, etc. It’s great I think.