Wow. They really went with Xiao hong shu?
Wow. They really went with Xiao hong shu?
Then who?
Don’t tell me what to do.
Is it really news to you that Chick Fil-A is as rabidly anti-LGBTQ as Hobby Lobby?
Pretty sure that’s designed to harass queer people.
On the plus side - spoked wheels - it’s clearly easily defeated with a stick.
I would interpret the American Academy of Pediatricians stance as being supportive. But that’s open to interpretation, I suppose.
So you acknowledge that you don’t have the skills necessary to interpret papers so… what, you decide that Nature adequately represents their findings enough to dismiss them? Even though you say there is little evidence of a causative link? Even though the surgeon general says they feel there is and cites that evidence to back it up?
I mean… what?
It’s a pity you aren’t worth responding to. Have a nice day!
Tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me.
Why would you conclude that? Because it conflicts with your “vibe”?
No, it’s just based on vibes.
You didn’t bother looking, clearly.
Edit: I’m not saying I’m familiar with what the studies say, although some draw a clear link with adverse mental health impacts on kids. Not sure how far that goes. I’m also not saying I agree with the SG or the need for warning labels, but to say this is based on “vibes” is, ironically, speculative at best.
I live in rural California. We only just this year are able to pick up a faint LTE signal. I think it might get us a very unstable 1-2 Mbps if we hold the phone just right. We have no cable, DSL or other land-based options and because of the topography can’t pick up the local wireless provider, which is very expensive anyway - like $175/month for 50/5
So without Starlink our only options are crappy regular satellite providers like Hughesnet which impose very low quotas - 10 GB monthly for day time usage - and have insane latency.
It bugs the shit out of me I have to give money to that fuckwit but without it we live in the dark ages.
This post reminded me to try out Brave. It’s based on Chromium but purports to block ads and trackers…
Anybody else use it?
Edit: Interesting. Anyone care to explain the downvotes? I know nothing about this browser other than it purportedly blocks Youtube ads, which are driving me nuts.
Edit2: Well shit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brendan_Eich
I had no idea about this guy. Ok, so completely not an option.
I actually think that’s perfectly possible because to be a christian you have to already be in denial about a whole boatload of things, so really… what’s one more? And as a bonus “my own people hate me” fits nicely with the whole christian guilt thing.
I actually did not know that Tim Cook is a christian nut job.
Aha! This is why I can’t think straight! Spaghetti!
You are correct - I had forgotten (been quite a while). I still think it’s funny but thanks for pointing this out.
But 宝 (Bǎo) means “precious” or “treasured” and 红宝书 probably only gets translated as little red book because it sounds better in English.