The lie made into the rule of the world

  • 17 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2024


  • That, I think, is a symptom not a cause.

    The cause is societal: the EU thinks that innovation should come top down. By giving established corporations subsidies, and a large administration that steers everyone every step of the way. To make sure nobody does anything out of the ordinary.

    That works if you want to improve car crash safety by 5%. But, ofcourse, that doesn’t work for true, novel ideas. Concensus being antagonistic to novelty.

    And it’s not solely a “bad politicians” problem. A majority of Europeans are simply afraid of change, want their 9-to-5 job to look exactly the same for their whole life. The elected reflect their electorate.

    Too bad the world changes regardless of you participating.

  • Net profits $2.3B. “Poor financial results”. How does one reconcile these two things?

    That’s 2.3B USD on a 1.29T USD valuation, or 0.17%.

    Valuations should be reflective of expected future profits. Multiples of ×20 yearly profit are possible for risky (tech or biotech usually) companies, with large potential profit. But the ratio is ridiculously off the charts for tesla. If it does not improve, it will have turned out to have been a very wastefull use of capital.