Hunches and gut feelings. Dreams in waking life.
I organize the Eurovision Song Contest, but exclusive to Lemmy, it’s called Lemmyvision !
My god what a unit
Nice, thanks for all the effort, keep them coming !
I took a look at the website this is coming from, it seems to be mostly the blog author’s interpretation of what the stereotypes are for each of their maps
Fantastic analysis, thanks for your contribution!
I feel like fastcompany used hexagon for a lack of better word, I would have settled on concentric swirl or something similarly generic and able to describe all those logos
Yeah uk and france are like siblings constantly fighting lol
For the us for example the term “freedom fries” was coined because of the Iraq situation haha
French people here consider the refusal to invade irak to be the cause
How so ?
Yeah this kind of accuracy elitism (idk how to call it) is ruining artistic expressions and experimentation
For France I’ve been using
For Netherlands it seems there’s this one
I don’t know about a full european one, it would need cooperation and shared information from all the countries, which is feasible, but I don’t know if they would consider it (effort for something that isn’t profitable for them, probably)
Glass half full !
It’s not just a building, it’s a facility with offices and workers that has communication needs
Just like the Elysée is both the name of the building used by the French president, and also the name used whenever the office of the French president communicates
The letter was reportedly signed by 25-30 members of the team and given to McGovern in September 2022, almost two years before the Type 00’s debut.
“We truly believe in an open and collaborative approach between all creative parties. Influencing and being influenced by each other. An essential environment to create one unique identity, which transcends holistically,” the letter said, per Autocar India.
“We felt that the logo disconnects from the narrative and the visual identity of the Panthera products. On product, it feels too rounded and playful, which does not speak to us the feeling of ‘Exuberance,'” the letter said. The brand’s new visual identity was also called out for being generic and too similar to other automakers’, when Jag’s whole guiding motif for the future is supposed to be that its products are a “Copy of Nothing.”
Absolute disaster
Piefed looks interesting!
It’s not you, I’m probably on the opposite spectrum, being overly pessimistic. I’m not criticising this acquisition in particular and you’re right, we can’t know how this will go ; it’s more of a jab at the industry as a whole : a lot of new releases are advertised as being made by ex devs of whatever studio was once praised, and turn out to be ersatz of the original material (Back 4 Blood, Stormgate, Kerbal Space Program…). This kind of marketing is super disingenuous!
Can you believe this headline? I have this weird feeling where the video game industry now only presents itself as former of former of… Everyone is referred to as their past roles, there’s no present or future anymore, just looking back at what we had and pretending to offer something similar
deleted by creator
It’s a great game, and very healthy when it comes to fomo (it’s non existent you can pick previous battle passes and make progress on them, there’s many systems for unlocking new stuff…). The only downside of starting “late” is that you have everything to unlock, which may feel overwhelming, while I only had to unlock new cosmetics and gear upgrades as they were introduced over time (been playing since early access).
Also the whole game is designed around coop, anything you do will help your teammates, people are very chill so didn’t be afraid to join random lobbies, but if you’d rather play alone you’ll have a dedicated flying robot to help you out!
Their whole website is full of these!