Biblically accurate Nazi tank design.
Biblically accurate Nazi tank design.
They get away with it because they don’t have serious competition and the reason for that is that allowing anyone to upload videos for free, to be viewed by anyone else for free, is by itself not a viable business model.
Please. Paper is modern nonsense and I won’t have our society polluted by it. Papyrus or stone tablets only.
Read more.
I haven’t seen that episode in probably 15 years and I still remember exactly what this was.
The existence of scalpers means demand exceeds supply. Pricing them this high is a countermeasures against scalpers…in that Nvidia wants to make the money that scalpers would have made .
My dad had a 286 with a 40MB hard drive in it. When it spun up it sounded like a plane taking off. A few years later he had a 486 and got a 2gb Seagate hard drive. It was an unimaginable amount of space at the time.
The computer industry in the 90s (and presumably the 80s, I just don’t remember it) we’re wild. Hardware would be completely obsolete every other year.
Cringe af
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I hope they own Jones’ likeness to the point where they can give DJs the rights to remix his shouts into something of value.
Reminds me of this ropeway thing that Tom Scott covered that doesn’t require power input either, for similar reasons:
Niche application but still cool.
In this case YouTube can do literally anything they want due to the lack of real alternatives. Hosting videos for free, for anyone (and any number of viewers) to watch, for free, is rather predictably not a very profitable business model. If you want to see what it takes to actually be profitable with such a model, look at the average free porn site. Extremely intrusive ads everywhere. If you don’t want to pay, and ads are the only revenue, advertisers are the customer, not you.
I’m more interested in knowing how Lauren Phillips feels about being an F-16 in this meme.
I remember the first time I used MapQuest and I was absolutely amazed that it could just figure out the route automatically.
“unrealized gains” that you can somehow live off of indefinitely.
If you don’t know much about investing then you shouldn’t short anything ever. People who know about investing will tell you that even when your logic is 100 percent sound, the market isn’t that predictable and in general the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.
This is why I wouldn’t put it past them to try to hide the real sales numbers. Wouldn’t surprise me if they’re down 90+ percent and the company is effectively dead already. The board of directors are Elon’s creatures and their personal wealth will depend on keeping the facade (and stock price) up so they aren’t about to cry foul.