Czy śląski to nie gwara? Tak jak kaszubski? I inne?
Czy śląski to nie gwara? Tak jak kaszubski? I inne?
Jesli w nocy zaczynają śpiewać ptaki to znak że powinieneś iść spac
Very interesting, wonder what kind of web apps could be built with this.
VPNs? Highly doubtful, people don’t bother with that especially on mobiles.
To whom
“AI quietly dropping AIN in the logo” xD
Cheetah. They’re fast.
If I’m an Eskimo living in North Pole then tatoos.
Otherwise colors. For the same reason that I don’t want others to see my search history XD
How reddit mods operate
Like increasing number of ads. This will be slowly introduced though. Wonder how it turns out. FB has shit ton of ads yet people still don’t leave it (or do they)
ta xD szklanka moczu, skorupka orzecha włoskiego, pestka brzoskwini…
No ciekawe, zobaczymy jak będzie. Niby statystyki pokazują że trend jest cały czas rosnący. Medycyna powoli ale stopniowo staje się coraz lepsza w zwalczaniu chorób, a ludzie stają się coraz bardziej świadomi “zdrowego trybu życia” (chociaż to ostatnie to chyba po prostu równoległa odpowiedź na syf który jest nam serwowany). Z drugiej strony masa pestycydów, eksperymentalne produkty z probówki, broiler, który rośnie w 2 tygodnie itd.
Yes IPO is exactly that. Or in other words it’s a stock market debut.
I mean I think you are not wrong. Laziness, but also real lack of time and energy. By that I mean people are just working. Usually to survive and provide for their families. And usually it’s pretty draining. And after work you just want to chill, not fight with the matrix. You take what’s in front of you.
BTW that’s how it should work from the perspective of those who the ones who make the rules, “elites” or whatever you call them. People should not have the energy to actually THINK about things.
Honestly? I’m not sure if I ever found fediverse and decided to take all these actions with instance and shit if I wasn’t sick and couldn’t work for many months now. At the very least I wouldn’t have so much time to invest in this.
I’m far from giving up. My motivation is 10/10 here. It’s 2 days left until reddit removes the ban from my old established account and I’m inviting again. Have a list of potential users prepared
Pięnie, fakt. Ale pojawia się pytanie - po co w sumie te koncept cary są robione skoro nie wchodzą do produkcji później?
Cześć i czołem! Stworzyłem oddzielną społeczność “motoryzacja” jakby co, następnym razem możesz tam wrzucać rzeczy związane z autami :)
How does it work? Doe it check response codes? Because at least during last outage reddit page was loading, but there were some issues with loading content I think. Only the layout was visible or something similar.
I guess we should first know exactly which endpoints to check. Not just reddit.com but the ones that pull data as well. I’ll check that later and let you know.
Yeah if you have a lot of friends then maybe. And even better very loyal friends who see the social media similarly to you. And who are motivated and excited about this whole thing like you. You build a team. I have a few friends but I don’t see them coming here. When I talked to them about this the best response I got was Oh thats so cool, I’m sure it will grow or something like that. That’s it. The problem is all of their social circle is on those big platforms. There is no point of moving somewhere else. Facebook/twitter “is just not that bad” for them. Content that they see is adjusted to them and its all good.
Ik but its the only place from where people could be willing to come to fedi. How else can I grow my userbase
Yeah I can imagine the look on the face of your fellow American friends looking at this shit like WTF is that shit XD XD GTFO with that dawg! (I always liked to swear in english, idk it feels so nice XD)
I admire your web seaching skills but I think you might fail in this effort of searching for the app that has this feature. Although it legitimately sounds like it should be a thing right? Eventually someone will do it I’m sure.
Yeah our tongues built different.
Ciekawy blog. Jak go znalazłeś? Jakiś czas temu próbowałem wyszukiwać tego typu blogi i google kompletnie nic mi nie podpowiadał.