I have several for work that will likely never work in Linux.
So those have a nice little VM they sit on, which has been stripped bare of the nonsense. Remote desktop access enabled, and I can do what I need whenever.
I have several for work that will likely never work in Linux.
So those have a nice little VM they sit on, which has been stripped bare of the nonsense. Remote desktop access enabled, and I can do what I need whenever.
No, just a nag. If you’re recording/editing a few times a year, it won’t be a bother. If you’re in there often, it’s worth the few bucks.
FOSS is always a better option, as of today I don’t think anything compares. And since they aren’t a big company doing shady things, the licensed version is permanent, no big company buyout is going to impact anything other than upgrades.
Just to mention a not-foss, but extremely well done DAW, cheap ($60 personal use, $225 commercial) and goes through 2 major versions before you’d need to pay again, free to download and try WinRAR style, supported on windows, macos, and Linux, etc, etc - reaper.
If you need a solid DAW, with support for all kinds of plugins and a dev team that’s not a bag of dicks trying to screw you over with a cloud subscription and AI, this is it.
Nobody (worth caring about) would look down on you for not being in a situation to donate.
Besides, there are lots of ways to help that don’t cost money, like telling people who do have money that they can donate to the internet archive. Equally valid effort.
I’m on a plan that predates the plans being effected by the price increase.
My price has been the same for years. That said, the plan I’m on was also because of an issue way, way, way back (like a decade ago), and actually being responded to by someone in the c suite after making a comment on the ordeal, who then handed me off to exec customer service to get my issue addressed.
I doubt anyone is getting that sort of response and result today, but I personally have no reason to change providers - Verizon and AT&T would be just as bad, if not worse. Verizon even tried to charge me for devices I had paid in full (and I was out of contract timing) when I switched to T-Mobile.
Their scheme hatchery department is top notch, I’m sure they are already working on more
I’m aware of them.
Let’s look at some of the most historic:
Criminal offenses? Yeah, plenty of those - with individuals, usually related to that information then being used for other purposes (scams, theft, etc).
But a company like Microsoft, you’re going to have a hard time convincing me it’s going to ruin the company. The history of HIPAA violations and their fines tell a very different story.
My only thought there is “LOL”
There are long, long, loooooong lists of violations MS has been caught for. The penalty has always been a fine small enough that it’s a cost of doing business.
Only reason I still have prime is simple - diapers. I save enough on them alone to justify it. But once that’s done (another year-ish), I don’t think it will be worth it anymore.
And yet, I still don’t use prime video. It’s just not a good experience, and obviously getting worse. And as I have kids, the management of what I’m ok with them seeing is way easier on JF than prime video.
Will try and do again later, yeah
Had to find the cable to charge it, so it only got power last night. So on the list for after work today.
Well no WiiU here, but I’ve got an N3DS upstairs somewhere. Maybe a regular 3DS too if I ever got it back.
Will do what I can later today!
Same as sort settings for subscribed.
Active, top for the past x hours/days/month/all, new, etc. You pick, Lemmy doesn’t.
Ah, admittedly I avoid that problem entirely, I have an MTR, a ZR, etc running on devices here (hardware/software testing stuff), so I don’t need to run meetings on my desktop often.
Edit: Just to note, I’ve done USB passthrough with VMs that were ZR builds and such, so that can be done. But I think if your sharing from there it can get messy (USB video capture and such as your sharing method, so on).