I knew this day would come [gently pats 15 year old mumble server].
I knew this day would come [gently pats 15 year old mumble server].
…they just make you do manual registration if you use third party toner
Man, if only we had a word for disabling critical features in this way.
Powerpoint, obviously.
It’s because the first few generations of DRM were extremely poorly implemented. My og kindle keyboard still works and will ignore the DRM (that would be locking me out of, for example, a library book after its due date) if you just change the file extension to one of the DRM free file types. It will also then let me distribute that ebook to others without restriction.
The discontinuation does not eliminate the ability to drag and drop files onto a Kindle; it simply removes a method that facilitated piracy by transferring older retail book formats via USB.
Err, what? So it’s only going to block certain file types?
Guy selling something says buying it will make your, mother-in-law stop visiting, your kids smarter, and your dick longer, more at 11…
Yeah, someone should tell the guy at the bar checking IDs to piss off too. And what’s with these fucks at the pharmacy demanding to see my medical license. They shouldn’t be hassling me because someone else might be writing illegal scripts.
That smoke you see in the distance is actually steam rising from Japan’s numerous nuclear plants as they prepare for the incoming demand from the armada of fax machines about to be turned on at Nintendo’s lawyer’s offices.
I hope they’ve written a very broad definition of social media.
The problem is turning off wifi doesn’t actually turn off the wifi, it just stops a subset of packets being broadcast and won’t trasmit any data you want it to send. Among other things this is how ‘find my device’ works with the wifi and bluetooth “off”. They’re actually on.
It also won’t work since the service has enough precision to know whether you go in, and for how long. The real issue is that mobile phones are continuously broadcasting their location to any device that wants to listen, even if you turn wifi and bluetooth off.
The entire time you spend sitting at a light after it turns green is solely to wait for those gaps to reappear.
I would call legal and IT. It’s outside the scope of my role to accept contacts on behalf of the company.
The unfortunate, actual reason is that people will pay more markup on the vacuum with useless shit added than it costs to add it. Explaining why humans are like this is unfortunately a less tidy and much more disappointing endeavour.
If you or one of your friends can self-host, my group used mumble before discord. I still don’t really know why we switched.
Yeah, because career-minded prosecutors and judges never fuck over little people for minor, technical, harmless violations of the law. 🙄
While you can do this, it’s not clear to me that you should. There are a number of additional laws having to do with perjury and misusing goverment sites and while I would undoubtedly agree with you, were you to assert the application of those laws to the utilization of a user agent switcher is a ridiculous overreach, I am just as certain I have no desire to be in the hot-seat on the day we all find out.
Several government websites for the state of Pennsylvania complain and refuse to work if they detect that you aren’t using chrome/edge/safari.
Not only did you not read the article, but you apparently don’t know that much about TMI either. There are multiple reactors at TMI, the one that had the accident is not the one they’re restarting.
The one they’re restarting shut down a few years ago, along with several other nuclear plants, due to being too expensive to compete on cost with all the cheap gas post fracking boom.
Yes, for reasons passing understanding the state and federal government allowed existing, functional nuclear plants to close in favor of natural gas plants.
Yeah some folks in here are clearly out of touch with the capabilities of the average consumer.