Having the public lose trust in the safety of flying is absolutely not something you want to happen. This could have devastating effects and I think enough is enough and the government needs to step in and take over running the airlines. It’s too important to leave gold hoarding dragons in charge of it.
It’s not about trust in flying it’s about trust in Boeing. Slight difference.
so, it’s about trust in half of flying
The government already heavily subsidizes the “struggling” industry (that somehow still makes outrageous profits). The government really should exercise more control over the industry, given that they (we) pay a very high annual price for it to exist.
They used to… one of carters biggest blunders.
Boeing isn’t an airline…
Come on, it only effects like 1/4 of the economy.
Welcome to this Boeing 737, thanks to government regulations each seat is fitted with a cop that will feel you up through the flight. If you don’t put your phone in airplane mode he or she will shoot you in the back 10 times only. 7 crashes per year is the legal limit and we already had 6 so you are all lucky!
- Normal people work on planes
- Government takes over
- Government hires contractors
- Contractors are normal people
- Profit
I’m just waiting for the warcries of WWIII so I can buy Boeing stock as it bottoms out before daddy Warbucks saves them, and hopefully me! 🤞
I’ve had a lot of trouble searching for a concrete answer to this, but does anyone know what percentage of commercial jets in the US are made by Boeing? I know it’s a duopoly between them and Airbus, but to what extent is Boeing’s domination?
We’ve got a turd in the punch bowl