One death is coincidental, two is suspicious, any more and it’s gonna become plainly obvious, and now there’s 10. That’s just delicious. They can’t silence them all.
Even one death under these circumstances is not a coincidence, and that ought to be coded into law. You’d better fucking well hope the person who blows a whistle on you is healthy - that’s the world we should move towards. Not that that couldn’t also be abused, but the pendulum is way too fucking far this way.
The first wasn’t coincidental. He said “hey they might murder me” then he died right before testifying.
But you wont argue that 10 dead whistblowers can still be a tremendous coincidence, right?
How is your polonium tea comrade?
I still don’t see why they can’t.
Planely obvious
Gotta love my fellow millennials - battered old souls that only the offer of getting murdered gets us properly motivated.
This seems to be a recurring trend. Human rights took more blood than ink to write.
Article author seems to have completely fabricated the “10 more”. There are no quotes from anyone even hinting at more whistleblowers existing, let alone ten more.
Is not a source I’m familiar with. But everyone wants to believe it, so upvotes it is.
Its one of the largest Indian Newspapers
It might be, but I’ve noticed it has a very click baity style, and don’t find it to be very trustworthy.
Probably because quoting them would be a preemptive death
How do I so strongly recognize this but can’t recall what it’s from!!??
Hot Fuzz
It’s from a Star Wars spinoff movie: Hoth Tusk
Separate tickets, dudes.
It’s okay, they are all going to commit suicide by jumping off together. The plane will have no issues.
They can’t possibly kill them all right?
Hold on! A SECOND whistleblower died?!
Y u p
(Check the date on the article - life is now imitating satire).
10, by next week!
Goddamn when are investigators gonna hear these whistles?
Investigators work for a company named Boeing.
As ofc do their assassins.
Same department and job title actually. Spawn kill basically.
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Why would you lead with that and then not even use it in your comment?
As a former circus trainer, I agree. It’s a strange preface.
Maybe it’s AI trying to hit keywords.
Criticizing the Israel government is okay (until our government outlaws it at least). Suggesting the people of Israel are some special kind of corrupt is not okay. Our corruption is our own.
Explain in detail how you associate Israel in a debate of the unrelated context of correlating American corruption to corporate greed.
Is this just some underhanded antisemite sort of bullshit invoking Israel but really trying to associate Jews with corporate greed? Cuz thats what is seems to infer.
“what are they going to do, kill all of us?” - dead whistleblower
Famous last words
whistleblower hunting season for boeing
“the sudden announcement of Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun’s resignation by the end of 2024 was interpreted as a response to the company’s persistent safety issues.”
I hope Boeing has serious bonus claw-backs in their contracts, because this idiot’s “cost-savings” have actually cost Boeing a fortune, and destroyed their reputation. The entire board should go.
The entire board should go
…to prison.
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I remember thinking movies just had absurd sensationalized plot lines and that our societies were past that shit. Then I saw former soviets killed by alpha particle emitting pills, whistleblowers dying, and now I’m thinking the truth is stranger than fiction.
Hang in there Edward Snowden, it’s amazing that fucker threaded the needle and still lives.
If you see something, say something… and get shot.
Poisoned tea, the second one.
Russian roulette with a shotgun but also with (poisoned) tea instead of vodka (not poisoned)?
If we had a functioning government they’d already be bankrupt or in the hands of a legit oversight authority, rather than allowed to continue to run a blatantly corrupt and dangerous enterprise.
All of the execs would be in jail while they finish up the investigation
I feel terrible for all the work boeing’s hitman is going to have to do this week 🤦🏻♂️
Would be funny if Boeing started cutting corners with their hitmen, too.
Hahahh, would be hilarious to then get a whistleblower from the team of “boeing’s hitmens” because of bad working conditions
“would you get shot by Boeing…?”
“me personally? no. not really.”“do you know how many people I had to talk out this week?? I’m losing my head mate”
" Challenge accepted"
You’re talking them to death? That’s gotta be harder than just shooting them, my man.
Haha that was a typo but it made it fun
I meant take. Take out.