I have finally figured out why the modern MK animations are so horrifically ass. They are trying to replicate the old pseudo-FMV of the original games but with high fidelity models. So everything looks incredibly stiff the moment an attack animation ends because it is just skipping/fast forwarding frames. So you have all the floatiness of a Tekken while somehow being even more stiff than MK2 was.
Still. T-1000’s moves look fine? I haven’t kept up with the series since I noped out on 11 (?) because of the Sandy Hook truther terf but is Bobby’s moveset actually built around grandma? Or is she his assist and just front and center for some reason? And I will admit that I found the fatality to be emblematic of all the problems I have had with modern MK where it is just gory and boring? Like, it is very much a reference to the movies but… you have a liquid metal monstrocity. Give us some body horror amped up to 11 so it is funny as hell.
Also, while I am whinging: I assume that wasn’t ACTUALLY Bobby Patrick because they didn’t say it was. But it really sounds like the VA was emulating modern “I have smoked three packs a day for 50 years” Bobby and not 90s B Pat.
She was a very highly requested (and memed) assist.
What’s this about sandy hook terfs though?
They replaced Sonia Blade’s VO with ronda rousey because they apparently wanted incredibly wooden delivery of every single line. rousey is a terf who was also a sandy hook truther up until she got clowned on so hard by the reddit wrestling community (the same one who keep insisting that nobody could possibly have known about what vince mcmahon was doing one door over from their office…) that she insisted she was just asking questions and had changed her mind.
Someone like tom cruise or donnie yen is deeply problematic but at least is entertaining. rousey is a shitbag who makes everything she has ever been in less enjoyable.
Different strokes for different folks. I love the way NRS games look, especially post-MKX, but I can’t stand looking at GranBlue.
Assists are called Kameos in this game, and they’re selectable. They’re just showing off the newest character and Kameo.