I paid for a 6 x 6 Hero Shooter they gave me a F2P 5 x 5 version with a lot of changes and I cannot ever play again the game that I paid for. I do mind a lot.
I bought OW at release and it’s one of the best value I ever got in gaming.
The game was around 40€ many years ago and I had all heroes since release, plenty of lootboxes and skins. And I played hundreds of hours on it. Yes they killed their game in the recent years but that doesn’t mean I didn’t get any value from it. I honestly think they were pretty generous for the first years considering it wasn’t price at 60€ like some CoD.
The problem isn’t the amount of value, they’ve essentially removed OW1, there’s no way to play it again from a game preservation perspective is goddamn awful what they’ve done. Probably the only time you can play it again is when they release an Overwatch Classic for $29.99 in 10 years.
Absolutely true, unfortunately for me I usually purchase games later in their lifespan after most bugs are worked out. It’s not like it goes F2P a year after I purchase but I guess I am just complaining.
If more people get to play it and the game is given new life it’s a good thing.
I get free to play, however I am getting frustrated when I purchase a game and then it goes free to play.
Ranked will not be F2P. If you already own Seige, you won’t have to pay again for ranked.
I get it but I don’t really mind when it’s a very old game. It’s not like your copy of R6 siege has that much value many years after release.
Same goes for OW.
I paid for a 6 x 6 Hero Shooter they gave me a F2P 5 x 5 version with a lot of changes and I cannot ever play again the game that I paid for. I do mind a lot.
I bought OW at release and it’s one of the best value I ever got in gaming.
The game was around 40€ many years ago and I had all heroes since release, plenty of lootboxes and skins. And I played hundreds of hours on it. Yes they killed their game in the recent years but that doesn’t mean I didn’t get any value from it. I honestly think they were pretty generous for the first years considering it wasn’t price at 60€ like some CoD.
The problem isn’t the amount of value, they’ve essentially removed OW1, there’s no way to play it again from a game preservation perspective is goddamn awful what they’ve done. Probably the only time you can play it again is when they release an Overwatch Classic for $29.99 in 10 years.
Well, can’t speak for R6S, but OW most certainly decreased in quality after it went F2P. We pretty much stopped playing a few months later.
Absolutely true, unfortunately for me I usually purchase games later in their lifespan after most bugs are worked out. It’s not like it goes F2P a year after I purchase but I guess I am just complaining.
If more people get to play it and the game is given new life it’s a good thing.
Comically enough they put it in sale on steam