Honestly, as a dude, I’m 100% down for male birth control. Can’t wait.
Hopefully it less hormonal side affects than the female pill. But yeah having an extra level of protection will be nice.
Same. I’ve always preferred to be in full control of my own contraception, mostly because I just don’t trust anyone else with something that consequential
Will definitely be awesome when all parties have comfortable, reliable, safe options to protect themselves
Agreed. Always better to unload the gun rather than try to stop it with armor
Man if this is effective in both cost and a high efficacy rate, then I’m so down, assuming I don’t experience awful side effects.
I had the unfortunate experience of a manipulative woman lying about using protection, and it led to me developing a fear of others doing the same. It severely effected my dating/sex life all through my 20s.
If either party (or both!) can take easily-attainable birth control, it’d be so much better than we have it now.
It’s a shame that male birth control has been so much more difficult to develop, probably due to the male reproductive system not relying on a cycle that can be quite easily interrupted.
I exist because my mother told my father that she was taking birth control. My father hasn’t been a part of my life except on a few occasions where he wanted to be here and there, and I don’t hold a grudge. My mom proudly told me this when I was about 9. I don’t blame her either, she raised herself from the time she was 4 years old when her mother committed suicide. She did the best she could with what she had as a person with no education and no parents to guide her.
My father came for the birth of my oldest biological child. He came for a few Christmases. He showed up when I was going through a divorce and helped me fix a car for my now ex. He didn’t have to do any of that. I barely know him at all, and even though it bums me out from time to time, it is what it is.
Life is a mess for everybody haha.
It’s not always the mother being deceptive.
My mother wanted a child. A family. She was clear about it from the start. My dad didn’t. Probably didn’t communicate it. He didn’t bother using protection either. When my mom got pregnant on the first go, he wanted an abortion. No responsibility.
He tried to hide his autism from my also autistic mother. They didn’t understand autism back then. She herself considered aborting me out of fear of having a retarded child. She zoned out for weeks, and when she learned I was a girl, she believed god had blessed her. For she thought girls can’t be autistic.
Lo and behold, my sister and I were neglected intellectually, socially, and emotionally. Because they did not understand parents supposed to teach children, not threaten them with a belt when the kid doesn’t adhere to their autistic whims/expectations.
We raised ourselves with 0 guidence and am I far behind the average person. They are both not asocial, lonely and happy we exist as a means to reduce their misery.
They should never have had children. Life is a mess.
My father bounced on my mother, thinking me and my twin sister died during childbirth. We were split up to keep.it that way. She grew up like royalty, with everything a child could possibly want or need, while I grew up in the desert with my aunt and uncle, who were both unfortunately killed while.I was in my late teens.
They’d lied to me about who my father really was after I was reunited with my sister, and the first time I ever met him I found out first hand how cruel he could be and I unfortunately lost my hand in the fray.
Despite this, he tried everything he could to get me to come work for him and his asshole boss. And mentor.
Ultimately he redeemed himself when he threw that wrinkled prick.down an 3levator shaft, but died soon after.
Life’s a mess.
It’s a shame that male birth control has been so much more difficult to develop
Nah, condoms exist since ages and has many other benefits.
Condoms + another birth control is more effective then just condoms
Nah, condoms have existed for ages and have many other benefits.
First time in a long time I’ve seen FTFY used literally. Have an upvote
Removed by mod
Yes, we all know condoms exist, thank you for your input.
Friendly reminder of the core problem: medical treatments are all balanced against the risk of what it counteracts.
Undergoing physical and chemical changes to grow another creature inside you and have it damage everything on the way out is pretty risky. Female birth control only has to be less risky than that.
A male has zero physiological risk from impregnating someone. Therefore, anything except a miracle drug with high efficacy and almost zero side effects is going to stall at the trial stage.
On another note, that speaks to how safe and effective vasectomies are.
Written by someone who has never had to pay child support.
Yeah zero psychological risk is a bit of an overstatement. Zero physical maybe, but there’s definitely psychological risks, and I’m not even thinking about child support
Edit: I can’t read, it says physiological and I’m just deficient in the reading
Upvoting the edit
Have you ever had a toddler hit you over the head with a plastic bat? There IS physical risk in raising a child.
Ha jokes on them, the plastic in my balls is permanently shutting of my sperm!
Everyone brace yourself! The Christians are looking for Bible quotes right now!
If altar boys could get pregnant, the church would have approved birth control long ago.
And moments after its efficacy was proven, Louisiana banned it.
Man my birth control seems way safer and way more effective. It’s called: “Obesity, Trichotillomania, and absolutely fuck all confidence.”
Can’t help you with Trichotillomania but hitting the gym tends to help with weight and confidence. I don’t know your situation but I was bordering on obesity and I was suggested 10min warmup + stronglifts 5x5 + 10min cool down as a routine. I did it for almost a year and it definitely had a impact on my weight and confidence.
If you’re not sure where to start have a session with a personal trainer with the purpose of setting up your own routine and then just stick with it. It feels really hard at first but after you start seeing results it’ll get easier.
It certainly helps with fitness, and somewhat with confidence, but just being fit isn’t going to get you laid. I’d also see a therapist regularly for the mental and emotional parts of health.
Which is exactly why I’m treating both at the same time. Doc got me on Wegovy, and starting out playing beat saber (holy shit 30 minutes of that is incredible, sweat, aches everywhere, maybe not visible progress but damn I feel like moving is less effort) and in therapy for everything in my life.
Right now I’m learning my strengths. Hard to do for someone without a lot of confidence.
If it flies, look for a huge spike in stds
Huge spikes in STD’s is already happening due to other factors
Wear a rubber kids. No one likes a raunchy coochie/schlong
Me still waiting on Vasalgel after 2 decades.
I’ve heard of a male birth control every couple years and still nothing on the market. Usually it’s because there are slight side effects and that’s considered to much of a risk meanwhile female birth control can cause blood clots and whatnot. I’m too jaded to believe this will ever come to fruition.
Every sperm is sacred!
for the downvoters, it’s a song from a Monthy Python movie, so comedy (and great one at that!)
I find it strange that many people here are against this when the alternative is a surgical treatment that often can’t be easily reversed, and even when it is, often lowers the likelihood they will have a kid.
Chemical solutions are way better in that regard because if they are done right they don’t damage any tissue and their affects are temporary.
god damn the comments on this post are the fucking wild west
Safe, cheap, permanent but trivially reversible male birth control was invented in 1979 and has yet to be approved for US sale.