For those of you contemplating ways of covering up the ads:
This is the same airline that beat the shit out of that doctor because the airline overbooked the flight. For your own safety, do not cross this airline.
The Chicago Department of Aviation did that. The same way if the police ends up killing someone, it was not the person calling the police.
i think we should make them afraid to cross us
They did what?
Wow. Even Trump thought they went too far. Damn.
And the CEO who brushed that assault off ‘suffered’ a ‘delayed promotion’. Poor thing. For saying that stuff about anyone, let alone a customer, he should have been fired, no golden parachute.
I think the doctor’s patients should have sued the airline too, since no doubt having their doctor pounded to a pulp caused them to miss their appointments.
And they break guitars
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Please enter your credit card to disable ads
Screens don’t hit back
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“If you don’t like it don’t fly”
Seriously just shut up.
Edit: LMAO just saw your other comment where you actually said this sincerely. You’re a parody of yourself.
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No, you can’t.
You can if you’re a Party member
You can, there’s a button combo. It changes sometimes but if you spam a few things I can always black it out
But that’s not the point, it still sucks
This should count as violation of human rights. You’re chained to the seat for hours and have no other option than look at this screen or force your eyes closed. Holy shit, people should get really mad. Flashing ads on a screen you don’t look at directly are still very annoying, even if you look on your phone.
I need to start a business selling rectangular shaped covers for these displays. I’ll even make one that serves as a holder for an iPad, so you can substitute your own screen.
Duct tape
You can turn off the TV dude
I wasn’t aware they glued your eyelids and head directly facing the screen
Found the boot licker
You can literally not watch things if you don’t want to.
Read a book.
Boot licking is when you are not easily distracted by shiny lights.
It’s when you suck oligarch cock
Y’all behave like they put a gun up to your head and force you to watch them ads lmao.
It’s mental how the simple thought of maybe do something else than watch the ads is met with such hostility lmao.
You know what doesn’t have ads (yet, anyway)? Mother fucking books.
You know what you can take on a plane with you? A mother fucking book.
Read a book.
I am just so, so tired of being constantly inundated with being told to CONSUME.
If you’re in a plane, you deserve it.
thanks, I’ll just abandon my family
Shouldn’t be that far away from them in the first place if you actually cared.
This is fucking hilarious. Do you know that sometimes, people go elsewhere for economic opportunities? Then they bring their children after they get settled in?
Sometimes they go back, and leave the children there.
Do you think those kids should be stranded?
I don’t care lol.
Work where you live, it’s not that hard.
Careful, your ignorance is showing
So I am going to sit down and the screen will be full of penis enlargement pills? What will all the hot singles in the area think?
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…that will now reflect the information United has compiled on individual travelers, like where they live and destinations they’ve traveled to.
I, for one, can’t wait to have my personal info proudly displayed to whatever randos they seat next to me! /s
More to consider when selecting an airline. Greedy fuckers, I hope their stock takes a nosedive thanks to this
Including the opt out link in the announcement article is a good guy move on the writer’s part. Thanks, Kate. You’re a pal.
So… How long before tape and blank paper are banned on planes?
“oh no everyone has phones, nobody needs these shitty displays anymore should we remove them and replace them with a phone holder?”
“I have a better idea…”
Don’t forget your trusty a4 and duct tape to plane.
Where’s my duct tape and mini tool
Years ago I was on a flight where you couldn’t turn this screen off. You could turn off the programming, but the screen still glowed. I discovered that if you take an advertisement from the back pocket and fold it, it can be inserted perfectly into the cracks around the screen and block it completely. Use the ads to block the ads.
Can I pull a boomer move and keep touching the screen repeatedly harder even though it’s not a touch screen??? I MUST HAVE THIS, WHY IS IPAD NOT WORKING!!!
Yes, please! Keep pushing on the screen harder and harder until it breaks. Then do it on the screen next to you.
I must eat Cheetos or Doritos for Max effectiveness
Flight attendant: “Why are these screens pushed in and stained orange?”
Where’s my high-powered magnet?
I’m sure there’s something I can do to discreetly fuck up that screen.
A packet of printable stick-on shipping labels is like 5 bucks. 10 seconds to apply, probable never removable without damaging the screen.
Or those nice warranty stickers which disintegrate when peeling off
And I’m sure this in no way will invade people’s privacy.
“Hmm, why is the anti-queer politician sitting next to me being served dozens of male underwear ads? Hmmmm…”
“Why is my daughter receiving ads for newborn diapers? Hmmm…”
“Why is my neighbor receiving ads for anger management? Hmmm…”
Can’t wait to see adds for prostate exams or erectile malfunction on a plane when I get older.
Psssshhhhh, you won’t see them. It’s a 3 hour plane ride where you have no responsibilities, surrounded by people that by this point in the day you already can’t stand.
At that age, you’re telling me you WON’T fall asleep???
The thing I hate is that all these airline screens usually default to “on”, and people tend to leave defaults. I’m a tall person, and can usually see a large number of the screens in front of me. So if I’m on a night flight, even if I don’t intend to sleep, the only way to not be blinded by dozens of ads for a few hours is to bring a sleep mask.
I feel so bad for tall people on planes. It’s uncomfortable AF for all of us, but you guys have to become human origami just to sit. It’s insane that this shit is legal. I avoid flying as much as possible.
It’s uncomfortable AF for all of us
Idk, I’m pretty comfortable on planes, and I’m around 5’8 lol
Also, ths taller you are, the more likely you are to be seriously injured in severe turbulence, malfunctions, minor crashes and major crashes.
I’m tall and fat it’s a double whammy. Granted one I’ve done to myself, luckily I generally only fly with my wife so I can get the isle seat to stretch
I use a baseball cap pulled down. Works well for me
i read the article and it didn’t seem to state. how will they target me? using the personal info I’m required to give them to book my flight? the origin and destinations and seat location? these are entirely different kinds of metrics. one is far more invasive. and is it tying into larger models they’ve purchased from like google or something? this is stupid and i hate it.
Until proven otherwise, I’d assume the worst. They know your identity to travel, and they link it with profiles from all the major ad networks.
I think you’re spot on. In addition to needing to hand over your passport or state ID, your credit card, your email and phone number, what else would they need to target you?
Imagine if you’re using your airline branded credit card to get free miles or a seat upgrade and they know all your purchase history.
Could be monitoring in flight wifi. I have no idea.
“weird, yeah I got here and this screen just had all this sharpie over it, i dunno how it happened”
A very sticky sticker will do a better job