Sorry citizen, every time you enter the bar we’ve got to take a swab from your genitals to check that since you were last here you haven’t fucked any kids.
Fucking ridiculous. If you want to prevent CSAM spreading across Europe do this instead:
- new funding for a cross boarder specialist taskforce to coordinate law enforcement agencies.
- hide the identity of defendant and victim during trials.
- offer a slightly lighter sentence to offenders if they successfully help with bringing down the rings.
- a large cross-boarder sting operation.
- new funding for therapy for offenders to reform them and during and after they’ve served their time.
- new funding for a confidential service to provide prevention therapy to potential offenders before they commit that horrid act against a child.
Investigation and surgical removal of the whole rotten ring of kid fuckers will curve CSAM creation and distribution in the EU.
Then preventative measures to stop creators/ consumers of CSAM because prevention is more effective than trying to cure it.
Child sexual abuse is one of, if not the most evil act someone can commit and they should face very steep punishment for it. And anyone proposing any policy offering help to reform them is committing political suicide.
But ignoring the fact that people have the capacity to commit an evil act of that magnitude, demonising them, and then offering no support network to prevent them is not going to solve the problem. It doesn’t work for any crime and certainly not this.
Unfortunately stopping CSAM isn’t the point. The point is eroding privacy and pretending it’s protecting kids.
Yes, but those policies don’t provide political cover to eliminate everyone’s encryption and privacy, so…
new funding for a confidential service to provide prevention therapy to potential offenders before they commit that horrid act against a child.
I would recommend watching “Louis Theroux - Among the sex offenders” to get a better understanding of the lack of treatment available for people who don’t want to offend but feel compelled. Some of them are crying out for treatment!
Yup. Let’s not forget that pedophilia is a mental disorder. I’d assume that many people with pedophilia don’t become offenders, but I think that the number of offenders could be much lower still if these people got proper help and treatment before they ever commit a crime.
Sure, if these people actually commit crimes or if they’re about to, we have to make sure they’re physically unable to get anywhere near children. But I feel like in most circles if someone were to come out and admit they have this mental disorder, they’ll be frowned upon, probably lose all their “friends” and not get any help. On the internet, it’s far worse than this.
I really believe that this has nothing to do with kids. “For the kids” has made me suspicious of intentions for a long time. It makes it difficult to argue against it because it implies that you’re a pedo or are doing something illegal otherwise. You implement general monitoring “for the kids”, and then you add some anti piracy stuff to it, then you add some hate group detection, some anti government group detection, etc. Now you have everything you need to get ahead of any danger to the government. If the people can’t organize, you can do whatever you want.
Fucking ridiculous. If you want to prevent CSAM spreading across Europe do this instead:
- Ban churches, cults and other forms of self indulgent mass-schizophenia which promote the letargy of the mind and the seclusion, especially when it comes with the baggage of a self-validating autonomus and indipendent legal sysyem (yes I’m winking at you vatican), as a moral virtues.
The real offenders (except for some stupid rookies) move to the dark web and won’t touch the official apps while politicians use this power to scan for political and environmental activists, opponents and critics.
I said the same to a coworker this week. If i were to be part or manage an illegal ring like csam, id make my own protocol/app that just uses encryption. Youre already doing illegal shit, go one further so you dont get caught
Just use Briar lol
This guy kiddie porns.
This law, if it were to pass, is 100% guaranteed to be shot down by the European courts for invasion of privacy.
Unfortunately the court wasn’t that strict in it’s most recent decision regarding data retention (different lead judge combined with the endless tries from the politics)
Feels like a strange move, from an American who is used to seeing the EU do things that should put our government to shame.
Are they trying to get the US to join the EU? Lol
Positive news: at least Germany will reject it, let’s hope more members follow their lead
According to [German Federal Minister of the Interior] Nancy Faeser, it is appropriate to “hold online platforms accountable so that depictions of abuse are discovered, deleted and the perpetrators prosecuted”. However, if the current proposal remains, the representative of the Federal Republic of Germany would have to vote no, said the SPD politician. "Because we must take targeted action and maintain the balance of the rule of law. Encrypted private communications of millions of people must not be monitored without cause.
And the reasoning? As always Terrorists, pedophile, criminals, etc. Guess what: If those guys have not learned yet to make a big detour around official chat apps, they deserve getting caught. My bet is, those people already have their own secured means of communication. Maybe they have their own encrypted app, or they have a forum somewhere in the Darknet, whatever. But the chance that this new law will catch anything worthwhile is practically nil.
Does this cover all messages sent between me and my teammates about the secret projects we’re working on, or are we only fucking over the people, and not the companies?
If you’re working on a secret project, you make your own communication tools and protocols. Or if you’re lazy you just set up a mail server behind a VPN.
Nah, everyone uses Slack or Teams or whatever. Look at Rockstar and the GTA6 leak, for example.
Making your own protocols means vulnerabilities are more likely. Better to use one that’s been tested and audited (unless it’s following something like this EU thing of course)
Short question: how would they enforce that? What if I use some obscure messenger that nobody has ever heard of? What if I simply use
to send messages to other people?Telnet? Banned. You now need the EUs approval to use networking software. The only apps that any EU users can use that uses the network interface are those whitelisted by the EU.
That’s the only way that this is enforceable. And still pretty easy to defeat, or are they gonna Linux too? Since Linux comes with the source code, anyone could recompile it removing the restriction.
It’s just absurd.
I think these things aren’t designed to stop everyone, just most people, non-technical people - not people like us who know how to work around limitations etc.
It still sucks though, and it’s a stupid idea.
Criminal would just use the communication method that is encrypted, because it will be known as such. Just like nowadays everyone knows that if you want to pirate you use torrent. And if you don’t wanna be tracked you use VPNs and tor.
This will hurt the dumbest of criminals and all the non-criminals.
No thanks
Looks at gdpr Looks at new law Looks at gdpr Looks at security questionnaires from EU companies Looks at new law
Well past time to take up farming.
Let’s see them deal with PGP-encrypted email lol
Can we just send 200 billion fake messages every millisecond to overload them constantly? Forcing them to pull out.
The scanning is done on your device. You could theoretically only overload the CSAM reporting feature if such a thing will exist.