I like being able to check how busy a place is, but not like this. Simple head count or an average wait time is good. Using web cams is creepy overkill. Typical tech bro invasive shit.
Google Maps already provides this, and it’s pretty handy.
I believe they do this the same way they do traffic jams, by seeing how many android phones are at the location vs. average.
iPhones will report it too if they have Maps open.
/stares in smart glasses
Silicon Valley once again solving a problem nobody actually has.
I don’t know about nobody. Did you see what “one horny user” wrote?
Inverted alcoholics have this problem…I guess…
You have to drink a lot to become inverted.
Where’s my husband? - desperate housewives of silicon valley
Finding a place that’s not too crowded and nice for you is a problem I’ve often had with people.
So San Francisco just invented the webcam? (Btw, Google Maps already shows how busy establishments are.)
“Just go to a fucking bar,” she added, seeming to balk at the purpose of the app. “And if it’s not cool you go to another bar.”
I’d rather not. A way to find a nice bar without having to visit several would be nice, not sure having it all live streamed online is the solution
I know of a few bars that have/used to have web streams of the bar. Most of them started in the 90s and 00s and I can’t remember if they shut them off after a certain hour or not. Buddy of mine in Florida would go to one of these locations have a cocktail in front of the camera and wave at us while we would freezing our asses off in the northern Midwest
Bar Code was one. Cameras streaming patrons in other franchises in other cities so you could kinda interact with them.
I’m not one to praise Google often but I think their Popular Times feature can be handy to see how busy a place might be. This live feed video stuff is way over the top and invasive.
Same thing I thought at first. “Oh, so like that one feature from Google Maps” Nope, just some shitty tech bro tech.
Easy choice now of which bars to avoid. Hopefully they lose business over it but I doubt it.
As the article indicates, it’s catering to the crowd that wants a packed bar fully of people infatuated with whatever is trending in pop culture.
Lemmy’s user base of bean loving software engineers is not that crowd.
I fucking love beans
It’s your one year anniversary. Happy bean day.
I quit software but I still grow beans!
This app got me laid,” says one five-star review on the Apple App Store. “Best way to buy tickets for events. 2nite is the truth and the future,” the horny user wrote.
This author knows what’s up. Most glorious ending to a news article I seen in a while.
Everytime I see a Gizmodo link I get Gen-X vertigo and feel like Robin Williams in the Jumanji meme.
I remember walking into bars and even paying the entry fee just to walk right back out 2 minutes later and waste my time going to the next one. Sometimes, it would happen multiple times in a row. It never made the experience better.
I mean the camera is already there I guess the issue is it being publicly available and people being creeps.
Someone tried this years ago at Startup Weekend (SocicalEyes). It never took off.
I would use this app to find the bars that weren’t crowded.
I think this is great and don’t understand why so many people balk at it. Do you think you have an expectation of privacy in a bar? And head counts doesn’t tell you how many coeds are there. And this would add an additional layer of security with more eyes able to catch predators spiking drinks or starting fights.