We must cut all options for the end user to own anything, let’em pay subscriptions instead.
In a SONY board meeting, probably.
Why are we suddenly selling more NAS grade HDDs?
- Seagate executives
Something tells me the market for media servers is very different than the market for BD-R. The only benefit to having a collection of burned discs over a NAS is that you can let people borrow them. It’s otherwise mostly downsides
Are we back to trusting Seagate again? Last I knew their spinning rust was t trust worthy. I’ve had 6 drives fail me in the last 2 decades, and all but one or two were Seagate, so I just assume their bad anymore and go with other suppliers.
Every drive I’ve had fail, personally or professionally, has been a Seagate drive.
Every drive I’ve had failed was WD. My Seagates have been mostly fine
I’ve had both Seagate and WD drives fail. I just think drives fail rather commonly.
I genuinely don’t know. Their name was just the first one that came to my mind.
Eh, I doubt many people are burning their own Blu-ray discs - this does not apply to discs you buy that already have films on, those are manufactured differently, and are still being made.
But even if you do archive your personal data onto Blu-ray discs, there are still other manufacturers besides Sony.
This really isn’t a big deal.
This really isn’t a big deal.
Sure. One tiny bit at a time…
Really though, who burns Blu rays. Yes I’m sure there’s a handful of people out there doing it but I don’t know anyone who’s still burning discs in 2024. Storage space is large and cheap now and way less hassle than discs. Companies as big as Sony can’t keep producing products for a tiny market it just doesn’t make sense.
Who still burns discs (outside of retro gamers) in 2024, let alone Blu-Rays? They aren’t killing the whole format.
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What does a movie company not producing movies on discs have to do with ending production of rewrite-able discs?
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Different divisions. This is more akin to when Sony decided to stop making floppy disks. The market is there for now, but it’s just not worth it from a financial perspective.
The amount of people burning their own blu rays is minimal. Even the type of people who emphasize owning their own content just use a NAS system.
This is more akin to when Sony decided to stop making floppy disks. The market is there for now, but it’s just not worth it from a financial perspective.
Ironically Japan is just now phasing out floppies, so there’ll still be a market for a while.
A NAS is mostly geared for online media storage, whereas disks are for offline.
That’s just the government though, similar to how a lot of the systems in the US still run on COBOL (including the IRS).
This is not as big a deal as you think. Blu-Ray production itself isn’t ending, they just aren’t making any more rewritable Blu-Rays. Most people aren’t going to be burning stuff to Blu-Rays. You’ll still be able to buy Blu-Rays if you want a physical copy of a film.
I find it kinda funny Sony tried so hard to own the standard so many times thought they eventually got it but then the Internet made it irrelavent almost instantly.
I don’t like Sony.
Am with you. Their midrange phones still have headphone jacks, though. I like that.
Yeah their phones do generally still do things like microsds etc which is very nice I also like the psp but I’ve bought so many Sony products that develop weird faults straight after the warranty and the fact they alway push propriety cards etc.
Its a weird company where divisions seem to actively sabotage each other I just don’t trust them at all.
Sony phones are pretty great for stuff like this tbh
dual SIM
headphone jacks (this is despite Sony being one of the biggest names in Bluetooth audio and therefore more likely to benefit from getting rid of 3.5mm)
they stuck to notification LEDs longer than anybody (sadly stopped on their newest gen IIRC?
dedicated 2-stage camera shutter buttons
no notch, no hole punch
stereo, front-facing speakers
first to embrace water resistance on smartphones
an OS that doesn’t treat you like a complete baby. It shows some relatively advanced options in the settings app and actually explains what they mean and why you’d want to use them. I appreciate that.
shockingly FOSS friendly, even going as far as providing bootable AOSP builds on their GitHub, as well as contributing more to AOSP code than anybody other than Google themselves, despite being a niche OEM. A lot of the battery optimisations in Android are actually a Sony contribution, for example.
There’s a few things that suck. They need to extend their software support, their naming is dreadful (yes I know it follows the camera division naming, it’s still dumb), and they try to charge Apple/Samsung prices despite not being in the same dominant market position. But overall their Xperia division actually puts out some good stuff IMO.
Don’t fret, Verbatim will still be making recordable BD-Rs. However, this will mean that there will be no more 128GB BD-Rs, we’ll be stuck with only 100GB BD-Rs (Sony is the only company that makes 128GB Blu-rays).
I recently ordered a pack of 128GBs from Japan. I’d recommend you do the same, because the prices are gonna skyrocket.
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Will this mean PS5 games in coming years would come in two disks?
Update: never mind they were always using 100 gb
Bluray disk cost 25$ for 50gb and usb flash drive cost 5$ for 64gb
for 35€ you can get 512gb flash drive. kinda insane to think about that. maybe even cheaper but that was just what I found from my local store
Yes, flash memory came a very long way, when current nodes of 3nm going to be old enough for mass producing growth memory, there’s gonna be 5tb microsd cards probably, since we’re already having 2tb ones https://www.tomsguide.com/news/the-worlds-first-2tb-microsd-card-is-here-what-you-need-to-know
the storage density growth is so mindboggling that I find myself hesitant to trust it lol. 2tb?
fuck me running
It’s getting harder and harder to make things smaller, but they are making things thinner now, which means they can layer them, thus increasing density.
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Where? I see only 30$ for 5pack of 25gb bd-r
Damn, a 50gb blu ray costs 2€ in my country.
I really wish there was a viable alternative for physical backups. Blu-ray just doesn’t have enough storage space, tape is expensive, and hard drives need to be periodically read.
I’ve read about holographic WORM media, but I just don’t think there’s enough consumer demand for the hardware and media to ever be as affordable as blu-ray.
Once upon a time, I could back up all my important data to a stack of DVD-Rs. How am I supposed to back up a 100TB NAS, though? The “best” alternative is to build a second NAS for backup, but that’s approaching tape drive levels of cost.
A NAS is supposed to be redundant. You can use offline HDDs as NAS backup.
This is just blank writable discs, movies and TV shows on bluray will continue to be produced… for now.
As long as there are people for whom streaming compression isn’t acceptable, there’ll be a market for Bluray movies/TV shows.
25GB and 50GB disks written at blistering 10MB/s in the age of 100MB/s Gigabit Internet connected to storage (S3, Backblaze, etc. etc.) means that networks have completely obsoleted Blu Rays.
I’m surprised they still found a use of these things. Flash drives are also so much cheaper, faster, and more convenient.
One TB capacity in a sd micro flash disk equivalent to twenty Blu-ray discs at 50GB, just no comparison in the growth of technology.
No no, these are for burning.
Best Comment In Thread
Oh well. I use memorex anyway
I use Maxell. Because I’m a cool 80s guy.
Uhm sorry to rain on your parade, but all the cool people made fun of Maxwell guys back then. Our Nakamichi ‘gons got fed TDK exclusively…
At least they’re not enforcing Memory Stick on us again.
I mean, as long as there is a hard copy archive option out there this is ok (cloud is already flirting with copyblight).
Good. Flash storage is everywhere now. Why go through an extra layer of proprietary hardware and DRM when you can have direct access to the video files which can be read on any platform?
The DRM is extra awful with bluray, its usefullness is dipressingly lmited. Being propriatary makes it worthless as an archive medium.
Damn, the end of an era. I wonder how anime will be sold in Japan now if not on Blu-rays?
They sell anime on recordable Blu-rays? Surely they use normal Blu-rays?
Okay yep, I am too tired two days in a row.
I thought it was all Blu-ray’s, not just recordable (re-recordable?) ones.
I thought it meant that like, yeah Blu-ray’s in general are being phased out.
It’s recordable Blu-Rays, not the entire format.
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Me, with a 200 Terrabyte usb drive, wondering why this is an issue.
A 200TB USB drive doesn’t exist. What are you talking about?
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First, neither of those are USB. Second, I’d eat my house if this person has 2 of those SSDs.
I use BD-R for archival storage of important files. They’re cheaper and easier than tape as well as small. I burn them in triplicate and throw them in the same case and as long as the same 3 bits don’t corrupt I can recover. The shelf life on a blue ray sealed and stored well is a few decades which is better than most other media.
I understand that from a business perspective, but I’m having a hard time rationalizing it for personal use.
I guess, if you’re doing a lot of video editing and you want to preserve a large personal library? Idk.
It’s mostly family photos and videos. I’ve become the de facto family digital archivist. Some digital copies of important phyiscal records. When you convert files to lossless/uncompressed formats suitable for long term storage they get large really quickly.
How often do you lend your drives to your friends? A cheap way to send big files without internet connection was paramount for sharing information.
Very rarely. I tend to have shared text or Excel files to actively share and work on. Nothing in the hundreds of gigs.
Flash-style drives like SSDs and… drives from alliexpress aren’t recommended for long-term storage.