As noted by security researcher Will Dormann, some posts on X purport to lead to a legitimate website, but actually redirect somewhere else. In Dormann’s example, an advertisement posted by a verified X user claims to lead to When Dormann clicks the link, however, it takes him to a different link to open a Telegram channel that is, “helping individuals earn maximum profit in the crypto market,” he said. In short, the “Forbes” link leads to crypto spam
The best X to stay safe on X is to stop using X. Seriously, how many “final straws” are necessary before we all realize the place isn’t worth visiting anymore? The spicy memes no longer justify the many, many flaws and risks.
As if it hasn’t always been a dumpster fire.
Cool but I don’t care what happens to anyone on that platform.
I mean, clicking links in any kind of comment/forum type place on the internet can be dicey, even if it is exactly what it says it is.
If you disagree, and the political standstill created by career politicians puts a sour taste in your mouth, visit to find out more about how you can make a difference.
Thanks for the link, friend 🍋💦
I also appreciate the link. This will be my new favorite website now that the one about goat husbandry no longer exists.
It’s Not Safe to Click on X
I once clicked on X and the whole window disappeared!
Even if X is just a placeholder for anything.
If anyone thinks MAGA isn’t alive and well on lemmy, note that this comment was downvoted.
Or you could end up in deep Xeet
I need a firefox plugin that blocks Twitter. Not tweets from blue checkmarks, the whole damn site.
I have Nitter Redirect installed, but Nitter stopped working. So it just blackholes all X links. Some day I’ll add them to my pihole, I guess.
Do bots need links to click? Wait…. Are actual people still visiting that shithole?
An article talking about redirecting links on a site that uses redirect links for sharing its own content. x dot cahm -> twitter dot cahm
Would be interesting to know whether this was possible using the old preview system, and we didn’t see it until now, or whether it’s something that arose as a result of the link preview overhaul that they did not that long ago.
You mean twitter, it’s called twitter.
𝕏itter. In
spanish(sorry, I was mistaken) some languages X sounds like sh, so it’s Shitter now.