Ps5 has no games
c’mon man it has like 1 or 2
Demon’s Souls and FFVII Rebirth. I counted them
PS5 truly is mostly enhanced PS4 games and other re-releases.
So a PC but worse
And Rebirth will come to PC I suppose.
I’ll be honest Spiderman 2 has me looking.
*exclusives Thankfully Sony saw the writing on the wall and began porting a lot of first party to PC.
Platforms like the Deck are the future IMO
Hey! Look at me over here living in the future!
That’s surprising, I’ve had loads to play since getting mine last year
I was more reviving an old meme than anything else. Didn’t expect it to start a conversation, lol.
You have a deep well of memes sage one.
I was there Gandalf, 1000 memes ago. When all your base were belong to us, and Chuck Norris was the strongest man in the world. I was there when Mr. T ate my balls.
Do not quote the deep magic to me, Kobe2012, I was there when it was written
I’ve had PS5 since release. I have played a handful of PS5 games and honestly most of them have felt like slightly enhanced PS4 games. Very few have truly felt “next gen.” Even fewer make decent use of unique DualSense features.
I’ve mostly continued playing tons of PS4 games. PS5 seems kinda meh to me. Also as usual Sony has made a system software design and layout that feels needlessly restrictive and idiotic.
This thing is basically a PS4 Pro Pro. And now the PS5 Pro will be a PS4 Pro Pro Pro.
The ps5’s ui is enough if all you care about is getting the game you’re currently playing. Just like how the switch is. Plus astro’s playroom and astro bot could’ve been the only games for the ps5 and I’d still say that the price was well worth it, in fact, playroom is what made me really want a ps5 there and then instead of waiting around.
I just ordered an rx 6400 for 198€ to make a franken-optiplex windows game machine.
Sure, I had the old PC laying around for photoshop and 3dsmax (linux-complicatted softs) but man 800€ for a console I’m getting old.
I think that 800 dollars is just too much. The software stack underneath is BSD based.
For 799€ I could get 28 Blåhajar and a mini one.
So. Where are they?
As I do not have 799, still in the Ikea. I only managed to save 2 + a mini one till now.
Those poor souls
If the Play station was a fully open device that could play games and run software from anywhere it might be more reasonable. However, not only do you need to pay for the console you also are stuck in the ecosystem.
They’re right tho for $700 I better be able to fuck the PS5 pro
For $700 the PS5 Pro better make my father tell me he’s proud of me.
Fun fact, the PS3, whose top model was $599 at launch, would have cost over $900 in 2024 dollars.
So this is actually not the worst it’s ever been, even for this company, lol
Okay but the PS3 came with a disc drive
OK but I think it actually might be interesting to see the difference.
That top tier model got you:
- WiFi
- a hard drive 3x bigger than the standard
- every type of card reader
- full backwards compatibility with previous console games
- bluray and CD player for home entertainment console use
Now granted that last part is true for the cheaper model PS3 too.
For the PS5 pro upgrade you get
- the same amount of RAM
- slightly better performing GPU under theoretical max use cases using updated hardware but not new
- a removed disk drive for less functionality
- 2x times hard drive space when storage costs are at a historical low.
The extra money used to get you more functionality. This refresh seems like more for number fetishists to scrape more dopamine from the bottom of the barrel and get ripped off apple style to dish out more for basic features.
Yes they have charged a lot but this is not exactly a great sign of “see how they have always done this?”
Edit: also wages haven’t dramatically shifted since the PS3 launch so while inflation has ruined purchasing power to make it cost equivalent of $950, work hours needed to work to afford $600 is still the same thus making this new console still quite more costly. Its just you could buy more with same hours of work in the past.
Here, after taxes and if you brought it with everything it costs ~1000€. That (and less) already gets you a decent machine nowadays.
With upgrade potential even. Maybe you save a bit of cash to get a weaker used Gpu and later on maybe a year or so you upgrade.
Ps5 users have to pay for internet