The last straw with consoles for me was when they all started charging money regularly just to play online multiplayer games.
My Steam Deck makes for a better console-like experience than any of the major consoles, and more. I have zero interest in going back to Sony or especially Nintendo’s scams.
It blows my mind that the greatest trick Valve ever pulled was releasing a console that relies solely on backwards compatibility. There are zero games released for the steam deck.
I’d happily pay for Steam because it provides a good service. Meanwhile, PSN and Nintendo Switch Online suck and are expensive (PSN is 70€ per year lmao).
Nah I’m not paying for steam either, they make enough money from game sales without double dipping
They could have given us full backwards compatibility for that.
It would be an instant buy for me if it has full backwards compatibility, and I’d let them tack on another hundo for psp/vita games. That’s basically what my Steam deck is. Every console emulated and PC games.
Mechanical Keyboard Community:
“I need to see these $233 switches!” (Drools)
I could buy a steam deck and a shitload of games on sale for that
I love how Sony learned nothing from the PS3 launch price.
The launch PS3 was arguably Sony’s last great console (namely hardware backwards compatibility); I choose to die on this hill. 🫡
Personally I decided about 6 years ago that I wouldn’t buy another non-portable game console.
At this stage I just don’t see any reason to drop $600+ on a console when I could put that $600~ towards upgrading my PC and get vastly more value for my money.
So as far as I’m concerned, the only consoles worth looking at at all right now at the Nintendo Switch, which I have and love, and the Steam Deck, which would offer me my PC gaming experience with something it lacks: portability.
Aside from that, I personally couldn’t give 2 shits what’s happening in the world of XBox or Playstation these days.
Plus us patient gamers can enjoy those PS “exclusives” when they release on PC.
Yeah exactly. Crazy thing is a good game is just as good 3, 4 years later as it is on release day. What a novel idea, right?
There was a time where the fact that launch meant a high player count, big community energy, and lack of hyper-optimized strategies minmaxxing the fun out of a game was sufficient reason to get it at launch.
But given how often modern launches are bungled, even that is not always true
Yeah I should have clarified that for multiplayer games, especially lobby-style instead of persistent-world style, all of this changes because how active and engaged the playerbase is a HUGE component.
But I’m a solo player 90% of the time, so that particular aspect, while important, doesn’t really pertain to me.
Even big singleplayer games can be fun. I liked being involved in the early days of BG3’s release, for example. But then again, no mans sky and cyberpunk sucked
… can you actually make a PC with comparable performance these days? What does a console-level GPU cost these days?
You have to consider the versatility of a pc to truly compare them. The pc will have better alternative uses like web browsing, the pc is very easy and fairly cheap to increase storage, you may be able to upgrade just some RAM or GPU to keep up rather than buying a new console. You’ll also have access to more games and more modding opourtunities. You can still use a controller on pc although you are often at a disadvantage in most FPS style games.
If you just want to game a console may be better or easier but overall a pc is usually the better investment in the long run.
Many people already have a laptop and want to build a PC specifically for gaming, though. Upgrading isn’t all it’s cracked up to be IMO, it’s definitely nice to have but a console lasts the entire console generation (5 years give or take?) if you ignore then mid-gen upgrade which is usually entirely optional.
My pc lasted over 10 years without a GPU or CPU upgrade. Now it doesn’t keep up with AAA titles but there are still plenty of games, old and new, that I can play.
That’s cool, but most people want to keep playing current AAA games.
What would make you think that a PC wouldn’t also be able to do this for longer? Lol.