If you go the video, You will see it’s gone. So Youtube being Youtube.
Here’s a Odysee mirror of the video,
I don’t see any mention of the YouTube adblock trick, so from the vid:
Copy YouTube URL. Paste it in Bing and search. Scroll passed Bing’s sponsored bullshit and click on the thumbnail for the video you searched. It will then play, still in Bing, with no ads.
So if you’re on a work or government or w/e computer that doesn’t allow installing adblock extensions, there ya go. No downloads or anything, just YouTube and Bing.
…this is the first time I’ve ever had any interest in using Bing, lol.
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I run a local instance of invidious and it is…chefs kiss
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You mean my VPNs IP
are the instances always flaky and laggy just for me?
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Why is this lengthy process preferable to using ublock on Firefox?
Scroll passed Bing’s sponsored bullshit
Ah. Still some ads then.
There’s a chance duckduckgo does something similar, but sadly I can’t check at the moment.
Leaving a comment so I remember to try it later—unless anyone reading is willing to do so.
It does indeed.
Thank you.
Whenever using this trick, I’d suggest using DDG instead of Bing if possible.
Isn’t he the same person who calls adblocking piracy?
I mean I get that Youtubers have no morals and it’s all about money but that seems excessively hypocritical, even for a Youtube “personality”.
Isn’t he the same person who calls adblocking piracy?
He’s also got a generally nuanced opinion of piracy, in that it’s justifiable in some situations. If you call it piracy and you’re okay with piracy then it’s not really a contradiction.
Being willing to talk about it despite working against your interests isn’t always bad depending on context.
Breaking news, people on the Internet have no concept of nuance.
He directly called it bad because it hurt his revenue stream. He is ok with ad blocking as long as it isn’t being done to him. That’s pretty bold if you ask me. A double standard, quite the opposite of nuance. He equated it with entering a cirque due soleil show without paying a ticket, which is a false equivalence. He thinks that he is entitled to have his ads seen as a price of admittance to watching his videos. No one is entitled to have their ads watched.
He’s right that it’s piracy, he doesn’t go on to say piracy is wrong, and neither would I.
It’s piracy to block ads, and piracy isn’t always wrong, so who cares?
Isn’t that essentially what it is? Getting something for free through certain means you wouldn’t get for free otherwise? Which means no money goes to whoever owns the service you’re using?
Say you walk up to some person giving out free samples of food. As a condition of taking this free sample, you also must take a pamphlet of advertisements from the people who are giving you the free sample. You take your free sample, and then walk away while dropping the pamphlet in the nearest trash can. That’s essentially what ad blocking is. You’re simply preventing certain parts of a web page from being downloaded to your device. That’s why people have issues with the “piracy” label, because nothing is being “stolen”. You’re just refusing to take all of it.
More accurate comparison would be taking the sample but refusing the pamphlet. Dropping it in the nearest bin would be skipping the ad after 5 seconds.
Youtubers have no morals? What kind of idiotic generalisation is that?
BTW, adblocking is a form piracy, that I’m completely fine with.
I’d rather watch ads than this kid.
Of course de-googling your life is a violation of the terms is service…
I have no longer watched their content since the scandal.
I stopped because they are bro douchebags.
Even Luke, who I always agreed with the most and seemed the most level-headed has talked about their hiring process and said that, if you don’t have personal projects, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be considered for a position in LTT.
Supposedly it’s because that shows a “lack of passion”. Personally, I find that rather toxic. Like, dude, I do this for work and I also have a life. I literally do not have enough time to exercise, take care of my loved ones and also maintain personal projects.
I don’t see the problem… having side projects will improve your chances at MANY jobs, and even applying for university if they’re related to your field. Even if you have no time at all, if you’re genuinely passionate about technology, I’d expect you to at least have aspirational goals for things on the side. A side project does not have to be finished or maintained to show “passion”.
The entertainment company doesn’t want to hire boring 9-5 drones just in it for the paycheck. Big surprise. They’re allowed to be selective.
Thanks for sharing? Why is every Lemmy single comment section filled with unrelated iamverysmart comments.
Excuse me, I use Arch and Firefox with uBlock.
Ok linus.
Didn’t he say that using adblockers in YouTube was basically piracy?
Yes, he also said that piracy can be a personal choice, and showed how to do it.
Funny, considering in the past he’s gone on big rants about how adblocking is no different from piracy, and is theft.
But then again, its Linus we’re talking about, its not like he has a particularly big issue with theft anymore.
I don’t understand why people are all pro-piracy but then get offended when someone accuses them of piracy…
He never went on any “big rants”. He’s mentioned it a few times, and he’s right. You’re bypassing payment (in the form of watching ads) to watch the video. LTT doesn’t really care because AdSense only makes up a small portion of their income, which is why he’s shown many different times, many different ways to block/bypass advertising. I could make an argument about how he’s “pulling up the ladder behind him” but I digress.
Regardless “piracy” is a fairly convoluted term with no concrete definition and it’s a dumb argument for anyone to have.
This is correct, he both explained how ad blocking hurts creators, and how ultimately he doesn’t mind because purchasing merch is way more beneficial to them then the adsense money.
All he was saying is do what you want to do but don’t pretend your actions don’t impact other people. Do it with open eyes if you’re going to do it.
To be clear, blocking ads isn’t directly denying anyone money. YouTube decides how video creators are paid and they choose to not pay if ads are blocked. You can agree or disagree with that decision, but the user has no role in it.
Personally I think it’s shitty that YouTube can just refuse to pay for the content people create for them.
You’re bypassing payment (in the form of watching ads)
By this argument going to the bathroom during a commercial break is piracy.
This isnt “someone being offended when accused of piracy”
This is " People getting upset when an idiot tries to blame end users, instead of holding the people who created the problem accountable"
Cause adblock isnt a user problem.
Its an ad service problem. They created a hostile environment where people had to run adblockers to protect themselves against unmoderated and unpoliced content and malicious/infected advertising.
If you have issues, blame the people who caused it, not the end users trying to protect themselves.
By this argument going to the bathroom during a commercial break is piracy.
Only you didn’t go to the bathroom. The ad just never appeared.
Chances of you getting up and leaving the room every time an ad comes on: 10%.
Chances of you blocking an ad with an ad-blocker: 100%.
This isnt “someone being offended when accused of piracy”
I think it very clearly is.
This is " People getting upset when an idiot tries to blame end users, instead of holding the people who created the problem accountable"
Whether it is piracy or not has nothing to do with blame or responsibility. You’re still just taking personal offense to being called a pirate and conjuring up nonsense arguments to combat it.
Do you have a source? I’ve watched his videos for awhile but I don’t remember hearing this take from him.
No, because that isn’t Linus’s take.
I think he’s referencing a stream once upon a time where Linus discussed the arguments around streaming and it’s impact on creators, from a creator’s perspective .
But because he uttered something in favor of ads on his videos-which is how they got paid-he’s now considered ultra pro invasive ads by the user above, who professes to not actually watching Linus
No, it was most definitely Linus’s take. Louis Rossman covered this a couple of years ago. Direct Linus quote from that Twitter thread:
Ad blocking is the exact same thing as piracy. Literally the exact same thing.
Linus himself covers those Twitter comments, and defends them further, in this video.
I really don’t get the hate he got for that take.
Circumventing the method of payment could be argued as being a form of piracy. From that point of view, adblock is piracy.
Like them or not, YouTube is not a charity and requires the serving of ads to continue funding the service. You could argue about how they go about it, but it’s a fact they need some sort of income to continue to exist.
Same goes for YouTubers. They get a percentage of that ad revenue. And they also need some form of income.But just because he said so doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand why adblock is used. He didn’t say “don’t use adblock.” He’s shown how to use adblock before and since. He’s also mentioned that buying something from their webshop gives them a lot more money than turning off adblock.
Saying “watching movies for free is pirating” isn’t the same as saying “you shouldn’t pirate movies”.
Using adblock isn’t engaging with YouTube on YouTube’s terms.Adblocking isnt piracy, from any point of view.
Its protection. Protection from sudden loud noises and visual diarrhea. Protection from malware and viruses from random website ads, and protection from Right Wing Extremist Propaganda like PragerU videos detailing how the black man should be grateful for the history of slavery and oppression (which has had a documented, factual effect on driving people into right wing extremist behavior, and the violent rhetoric and actions that inevitably follow)
As long as all of that exists, Adblocking will never be piracy. Adblocking is, and will be, mandatory protection.
And if Linus, or anyone else, wants to clutch pearls and cry about adblocking… They can take their complaints to Google/Facebook/Other Ad services, because their lack of moderation and inability to policing content on their services are directly responsible for creating the necessity for adblocking.
To tack onto your list, ad blocking also deprives a source from an intended revenue stream associated with the content, which is probably why it’s being compared to piracy.
I’m all on board with ad blockers, let’s just at least acknowledge the economic reality surrounding their use.
The economic reality is that I have to use adblocking because ad services refuse to police and moderate their system. Thats the economic reality that they created.
Having a problem with the end user protecting themselves from what the advertisers and their ad services created is just trying to shift blame.
Its protection.
From your point of view, yeah. Not from the point of view of the creator and the platform.
Linus isn’t clutching his pearls nor is he crying, he’s just pointing out you are circumventing the method of payment to the platform. It is detrimental to both the platform and the creator. That is a fact. Your choice has an impact and you should be aware of that.
But at no point did he say “you’re a bad person if you use adblock”.What has got you so worried?
Found the Liberal
Well that’s a thumbnail I’d never click on
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You have to understand shit like these thumbsnails arent made for people like you and me.
They are made for the mindless horde of sub-intellectual gremlins who are incapable of rational, independent thought. The kind that run out and put sandpaper on their windshield wipers and microwave their phones to “fast recharge” them because they saw a video that said to do that.
and the sad, terrifying reality, is these mentally stunted little goblins outnumber us by margins that are too terrifying to even think about.
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Username checks out
This is why I love my username.
Cause its low hanging fruit that people who can mount no actual counter point cant resist the urge to reach for.
Whether or not it’s a valid counter point you continue to act superior when all you achieve is be a massive dick to people that don’t mind the thumbnail or video
Projecting a bit with that whole “Acting superior” claim, aintcha.
And that’s why I have Dearrow. Bye bye bait thumbnails and titles.
Problem is that these people still get views then
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Friendly reminder that pirates didn’t usually stole gold. Piracy was stealing shipping goods, then selling them for profit at some port. Digital piracy is thus defined as acquiring, and then distributing for profit, media that you don’t own the copyrights of. Ad blocking is categorically not piracy.
Anybody who needs to be told this is either a newborn or braindead.
I don’t care for Linus these days but respect for that.
Yeah, I got tired of his videos half-assing the work and the failed reviews hurting small manufacturers while Linus doubled down after GN documented their failures.
But this I can get behind.
Doubled down? After being called out they slowed the upload cadence, are taking more time to make sure mistakes don’t get through, and changed their production process. They also formed a volunteer team of “beta tester” viewers who see each video pre-release to catch any mistakes they didn’t internally. I think they handled it well. Of course it would be better if they didn’t have a problem in the first place, but I’d never call it “doubling down”.
There was an initial reaction from Linus on his forums where he massively doubled down on his stance that he had not done anything wrong with the review model LTT had auctioned off without permission (I can’t remember the name of the company). He had even accused GN of not following “journalistic standards” by not giving LTT a chance to put their side forward.
This was met with another video from GN, and overall criticism over the dismissive attitude Linus was displaying. That’s when they came out with a YT video, admitting their numerous faults, and Linus himself admitted that the way he responded on the forum was not acceptable.
Pretty much doubled down initially, till they realised that they’re in actual deep waters.
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