Ah i see, time for ford to go down in the history books.
Not like that will happen, but i truly think they deserve that as a result for even considering this.
I’m already sick of the amount of ads that find a way into my private living space, but i’ve managed to negate 90% of them.
“We need to make money” yeah sure, but not at the cost of me. If you want to make money off of me i need you to sell me stuff i get to keep and are actually worth the cost.
I work too much and make too little to allow them to invade my private space.
Time for a law to be passed that kills off this bad idea permanently.
The main cause of fatal accidents is driver distraction. Anything that adds to it is moving in the wrong direction.
They should also ban the use of tablet computers in place of proper displays and controls in vehicles.
The system can listen to conversations and play ads when there’s a moment of silence. Or play a video when you’re close to the shops.
Oh good, I was worried the slide into dystopia might be slowing down for a second there.
Imagine driving to the doctors, you have a killer headache so the radio is muted, you drive past a set of shops near a red light.
“COME OVER TOCRAZY MIKES INSANE CRAPAGANZAAAAAAAA” *obnoxiously loud music plays behind the screaming mans words*