When this tank gets hit by a shell:
Why is there smoke coming out of your tank, Seymour?
Oh ho, no! That isn’t smoke, it’s steam! Steam from the steamed tanks we’re having! Mmm, steamed tanks!
Wait, so a shell hits a tank and it superheats the air inside? Is that real?
Only if you’re trying to prepare an unforgettable luncheon and are within view of the Aurora Borealis. /ncd
The water would heat up and boil slowly and eventually if there was a fire occuring on the outside of the tank.
If it is hit in an area which causes the tank’s armaments to explode into the crew cabin then yes you would have a Russian Instant Pot…
That would be such a flex. You’re driving through the desert with you tank full of water and people around you are dying of dehydration.
I know smth about this is fucking dumb, but no clue what. The added weight? The impracticality?
Air is a compressible fluid. Water is incompressible. Energy from shock waves will be transmitted from the hull to the crew in a much more efficient fashion.
Wait, explain that to an idiot please. Could the water pressure crush a person? It wouldn’t just go up?
Because water doesn’t compress it transfers any shockwaves straight through anybody who is in the water. This happens much faster than the water has time to move out of the way.
Sailors who are in the water after abandoning ship during naval battles are in extreme danger of dying if a bomb goes off close by.
So what exactly happens? The water moves into the person so fast it crushes them?
Not exactly. The shockwave propogates directly into your body. Basically, the energy transfer liquifies your internal organs.
can drink the water
As a tank maintainer, this is the least credible part of the post.
random question: why are tank interiors painted white?
hide the cum stains