Israel has deployed a mass facial recognition program in the Gaza Strip, creating a database of Palestinians without their knowledge or consent, The New York Times reports. The program, which was created after the October 7th attacks, uses technology from Google Photos as well as a custom tool built by the Tel Aviv-based company Corsight to identify people affiliated with Hamas.
Way easier than having them wear an armband.
That’s brutal because it’s so fitting. Well played.
So, hot take here: preface this with saying I absolutely condemn the surveillance by Israel here.
But I think it’s wrong to judge a nation by what they’ve gone through themselves, with an attitude of " they should know better". Just because the Holocaust happened, doesn’t mean that Israel has better morales or values, or that they would never do such things themselves. Humans are humans. With the wrong people in power, horrible things happen.
It’s perfectly reasonable and necessary to argue that Israel is currently violating human right laws. We should keep doing that.
It is not reasonable to keep pointing at the holocaust and nazi germany as a stick of " look, you became the thing you suffered under", unless in a context of learning from history. “You should know better” creates unreasonable expectations where some nations ought to have higher morales somehow.
Edit: I ment condemn, not condone. Apologies
We are not comparing their governing or how they structure theur legislative system we are comparing the open air camps, tight restrictions and indiscriminate murder. I think it is perfectly fair to compare them to nazis, for one there isnt many comparisons they have left themselves with - this is the company they are in now.
I can’t condone mass surveillance of a population that have been subjugated, harrassed, violently targetted, stolen from and currently going through a genocide and enforced famine. But that is just me.
If Israel can play the “criticizing the Government of Israel is the same as opposing the Jewish ethnicity” card, then we can play the “you especially should know better” card.
Israel is the type of control-heavy far-right state other dictators wish they could govern, and it’s made possible by Western money and technology (I was going to name just the US but my country of Canada, among others, is not blameless either). This news also sucks because there’s no way that tech is staying in Israel only. Citizens of the world better brace for convictions via AI facial recognition.
“Our computer model was able to reconstruct this image of the defendant nearly perfectly. It got the hands wrong and one eye is off-center, but otherwise that’s clearly them committing the crime.”
From what I remember, AI facial recognition tech was already being used by police and agencies worldwide, like the FBI, PRC police etc, or am I misinformed? I remember something about Chinese and American facial recognition software.
I had not read anything like that but a quick search pulled up this story from last September by Wired that supports your post: FBI Agents Are Using Face Recognition Without Proper Training. “Yet only 5 percent of the 200 agents with access to the technology have taken the bureau’s three-day training course on how to use it, a report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) this month reveals.” So it sounds like you’re right, and also that they are probably inadequately trained even if they complete all 3 days on how to identify people with legal ramifications.
And I wonder how many of those 95% have already used misapplied AI facial recognition to justify FISA court warrants for
stalkinginvestigatingrandom peoplesuspected terrorists?
Facial tattoos of drop table commands. Embed computer worms into your iris. We can get insane to removed all this shit up too. I bet theres a way to embed a computer virus on your own face.
I guess I’ll adjust my life goals to “hot cyberpunk partner in technological dystopia”, because that sounds like some Bladerunner/Cyberpunk 2077 stuff.
Honestly with enshittification “technological dystopia” sounds like exactly where we already are. Now, if only implants weren’t being R&D’d by Muskrat and there were some open source non-invasive version…
Its not that far off. We’ll see exactly what I said soon enough. You can put a virus or worm inside an image in an email. You can do the same thing with a tattoo. Its unfortunate it will be here so far before the superhuman cybernetics.
It will be in Israel soon too. Netanyahu is using this genocide to cement a dictatorship by claiming it’s all necessary to fight the war, but it’s not really believed that he’ll take his special war powers away from himself once it’s over. He’s already tried to destroy the judiciary. Make no mistake, genocide is not the only way he’s taking pages out of Hitler’s playbook.
And thanks to the us in the states he is being well to do so. We need make it clear that we want all aid to Israel to stop. No more weapons or money.
Biden is in a real bind, because he needs the pro-Israel vote too. It’s a tightrope walk. I don’t think he’s handled it well at all, but I can see why they haven’t totally cut off Israel.
Can confirm. I don’t want to vote for the Orange Man but I will if Biden stops supporting Israel.
How does it feel to be a literal Nazi? I know Nazi doesn’t mean anything anymore generally, its value as an insult has diminished to uselessness from over and aimless use, but you. You are literally in favor of genocide and unembarrassed about it, and pushing a “Reichstag fire” narrative. There’s a very large number of dead jews spinning in their ash piles over this.
You do realize that the orange man is an even bigger supporter of Israel than Biden, right? Trump would not just support Netanyahu, he would back Israel annexing Gaza and making it a permanent part of Israel.
Read the other comment again
(That’s what he wants)
While the US and the USSR scrambled for Nazi scientists post WWII for their Air and Space programs, it seems that Israel was grabbing a different kind of Nazi for consorting work.
I see that the deadline for skynet in 2029 is more realistic every day
Photoprism on default settings merged like 5 people into one because it was all trained on a predominant NA population.
Google photos has had similar results even with tuning the algorithm.
So best case they throw innocent people in jail without trial and worst case they just continue to shoot innocent people anyway.
Facial Recognition is not ready for this level of use unless you’re just looking to create chaos, lock up innocent people, and generally create more enemies. But then they currently have a torture and release program so they’re familiar with that already.
Does it also measure the diameter of their heads for statistical purposes?
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The US uses facial recognition when I enter into the country. Wonder if it’s the same tech.
Israel is using it to track terrorists and blow them up. Hopefully they make quick work of it. That’s probably how they spotted some of the 10/7 crew they’ve rounded up.
Israel considers all Palestinians terrorists, that’s part of their justification for genocide.
Year before Oct 7 - Jewish Voice for Peace
Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) and Summery by the International Court of Justice
And they deliberately target civilians.
‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza
Compared to previous Israeli assaults on Gaza, the current war — which Israel has named “Operation Iron Swords,” and which began in the wake of the Hamas-led assault on southern Israel on October 7 — has seen the army significantly expand its bombing of targets that are not distinctly military in nature. These include private residences as well as public buildings, infrastructure, and high-rise blocks, which sources say the army defines as “power targets” (“matarot otzem”).
Although it is unprecedented for the Israeli army to attack more than 1,000 power targets in five days, the idea of causing mass devastation to civilian areas for strategic purposes was formulated in previous military operations in Gaza, honed by the so-called “Dahiya Doctrine” from the Second Lebanon War of 2006.
Latest humanitarian food insecurity assessments – the IPC classification index which is used as a reference by aid agencies – indicate that the entire population of Gaza – 2.2 million people – face “crisis” levels of food insecurity, the OCHA spokesperson said. Of that number, around 1.17 million face “emergency” levels of food insecurity, and the plight for another 500,000 is “catastrophic”
So you’re also in favor of using The technology. Really helps sort out terrorists vs civilians.
Also quoting Jewish voices for peace is kinda evidence you’re not paying attention. They’re more biased against Israel than Al Jazeera, and they certainly don’t represent Jewish people.
All of your sources actually turn up to be wildly biased. Makes sense, most bigots feel safer in their echo chambers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This technology has and will continue to be used to justify attacks on civilians by calling them terrorists.
I’m sure you also have an issue with B’TSelem and Breaking the Silence. JVP does very credible work and has consistently advocated for peace and coexistence. But here, take those facts from these other sources instead if you don’t like JVP.
UN report: 80% of Gaza inhabitants relied on international aid before war - The Guardian
2023 marks deadliest year on record for children in the occupied West Bank - Save The Children - Sept 18, 23
2023 is ‘deadliest year’ for Palestinian children say human rights groups - New Arab - Oct 6, 23
The technology should be used to identify people who are hiding among civilians and eliminate them yes. Perfect case use for it.
JVP platforms convicted terrorists. Their founding moderator is a Lebanese based Anti semite who’s been outed for years. You don’t even need to be Jewish to open a chapter, using them as the voice of Jewish people is outwardly bigoted and frankly disgusting but tells me all I need to know about your ability to discern information on this topic.
You mean Rasmea Odeh, who was convicted in an Israeli Military Court, where palestinians are presumed guilty with no rights or representation, after being tortured into a confession?
Palestinians denied civil rights including Military Court
One of the most problematic practices of military courts is the use of remand in custody until the end of proceedings. This means that a person whose interrogation has been completed and who has already been formally charged is kept in detention until the legal proceedings are over. These individuals are not serving a prison sentence, have not even been sentenced, and should be presumed innocent until proven guilty… A direct outcome of this policy is that the vast majority of military court cases end in plea bargains in which the defendants plead guilty (usually in return for the prosecution dropping some of the charges). Defendants prefer to avoid a lengthy evidentiary trial, knowing that in most probability, they would be held in remand for the duration of the trial, such that even if they are ultimately acquitted, their time in detention would exceed the sentence they would receive in the plea bargain. As a consequence, the prosecution is seldom required to go through a full evidentiary trial, in which it must present evidence to prove a person guilty. Instead, the outcome of the case is decided at the time remand is granted, rather than on the basis of evidence against the defendant. And so, a pretrial decision to remand a defendant in custody before conviction renders the judicial proceeding meaningless.
Palestinian Prisoners in Israel including Child abuse
Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel system of domination and crime against humanity
Particularly harsh are methods used by the Israel Security Agency to obtain information and “confessions”, practices well documented by Amnesty International and other human rights organizations. Methods reported by Palestinian detainees include painful shackling and binding; immobilization in stress positions; sleep deprivation; the use of threats, including against family members; sexual harassment; the extensive use of prolonged solitary confinement; and verbal abuse. All these methods amount to torture or other ill-treatment. Interrogations under torture can last for weeks, with the detainee routinely denied access to a lawyer. Torture and other ill-treatment are frequently inflicted with the complicity of medical professionals, especially on detainees staging prolonged hunger strikes.
None of the members of JVL are antisemitic. Anti-zionism and criticisms of the (apartheid) State of Israel are not remotely the same thing of antisemitism. Israel never has and never will represent all Jewish people. Your conflation of the two is genuine antisemitism, the actions of Israel in no way reflect on all Jewish people.
Why would foreigners get civil rights in the country they’re attacking? America locks people in cages and separates them from their kids, they also ship them to an island off the mainland…are you trying to claim non israelis should get the same rights as Israelis?
If so, they really should have agreed to join Israel like their cousins did in 48, those 2 million Arabs have rights. Plenty of decisions up until they’re being held for trial could avoid this. Maybe the Palestinian could start making some better ones at this point, they’ve proven to be their own worst enemy FFS.
Before 1948, Palestinian Leadership repeatedly advocated for a Unitary Binational State for decades.
Palestinian Arab Congress advocating for Unified State 1928, Arab Higher Committee advocating for Unified State 1937, Arab League advocating for Unified State 1948.
The concept of Transfer in Zionist thought and the displacement of Palestinians since the 1920s culminated into a full fledged ethnic cleansing campaign in 1948. Partition and later the Two-State Solution have been wielded by Israel to covet and annex as much Palestinian land as possible with the least amount of Palestinians.
The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948
Transfer Committee and the JNF led to Forced Displacement of 100,000 Palestinians throughout the mandate.
Plan Dalet and Details of Plan C (May 1946) and Plan D (March 1948)
After the 1948 ethnic cleansing, the remaining Palestinian population within now Israel were subject to Israel Martial Law and Defence (Emergency) Regulations, later practiced in the occupied territories after the 1967 war: Haaretz, Forward
Even today Arab Israelis are discriminated against as second class citizens including Education (2001 report). Not nearly as brutal as Palestinians living in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, or Gaza, but they all live under Israeli Military Control. This is Apartheid, by international definitions.
Amnesty Report, HRW Report, AIDA Report, OCHA Report on the details of the daily violence Israel uses to enforce the apartheid. Gaza Blockade is still Occupation
After the founding of Israel, the Two-State Solutions were utilized to further annex the Palestinian Occupied Territories and enact military control over Palestinians while denying them human and civil rights. Despite this, both Fatah and later Hamas have accepted a Two-State Solution on the 1967 borders, with the two most important factors being the Right of Return of Palestinian refugees and an end to the permanent occupation.
Well it makes sense. Hamas often pose as civilians to get the enemy off guard and then pull out an RPG.
Israel needs some way to be able to pull them out of a crowd. Especially if civilians are to be protected.
Anyway it’s not like most western countries aren’t already doing this, they just haven’t told us yet. But there’s an awful lot of cameras around Europe now and I’m sure they must have facial recognition tech.
And of course there’s China who doesn’t hide it it all.
Eventually it will be worldwide if it isn’t already.
Edit: I’m not saying I endorse it, it’s terrible, but my point is that they can kind of justify it with their allegation that Hamas dresses as civilians. Also that, very sadly, this is a worldwide trend which will most likely only get worse because the “elites” behind all this world system (and the genocide in Gaza) seem to be succeeding in pushing through their plans.
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Wouldn’t be necessary if Hamas didn’t violate the Geneva convention every chance they got.
Displacing a population and replacing it with a different one is a violation of that convention.
Israel has a right to defend its self i think the missile atacks have to end its been going on for decades so palistine has been asking to be invaded especially after they invaded and started killing civilians kidnapped
Israel has had a permanent occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territories since 1967, maintaining an apartheid state through direct and indirect violence.
Hamas began twenty years into an Occupation enforced with direct and systemic violence, with the goal of ending the occupation.
What Is Hamas? - Council on Foreign Relations
What Does Hamas Actually Want? - NY Mag
Collective punishment has been a deliberate Israeli tactic for decades with the Dahiya doctrine. Violence such as suicide bombings and rockets escalated in response to Israeli enforcement of the occupation and apartheid.
Hamas Election - Snopes